AdminTools Admin Homepage

Release Check List

Current Status: A. Pre-release
Version: 1.3.1

Check-list How-To
  1. Please use {{todo}}, {{done}} and {{failed}} to mark single items.
  1. Change the whole section status ({{open}}/{{closed}}) only when all the subitems are done.
  1. Update the current status above only when the previous section is closed.

A. Pre-release

These are checkpoints for the process up to the actual release.

Decide which tickets should be closed
Decide which beta features to include
Decide which open Bugs to fix
Decide what tasks need to be done
move open tickets to another milestone
Update defaults
    • installation pages
    • default config
    • Add default pages to external sql file
      (we will do this starting from the next release)
Third-party software
    • If new version is available:
Test (and fix) integration with Wikka
Update thirdparty.txt
Update ThirdpartyInfo
Private alpha
Public beta
    • Announcements to be made at:
(maybe) small note at the top of WikkaReleaseNotes


B. Release

Checkpoints for the actual release process

Build distribution tarball and zipfile from tag
Generate AdminWikkaSecurity checksums and sigs
Modify Docs:WhatsNew, Docs:Installing131, and Docs:WikkaFeatures links to point to current release page; be sure to update the Browse the source and section and diff links with current revision.
Modify Docs:WikkaReleaseNotes as appropriate
Generate CHANGES.txt and CHANGES.htm from Docs:WikkaReleaseNotes
Update download links HomePage here and here
Feed SVN
create a branch for the new version
create a tag for the new version
Feed download locations
Wikka site
  1. open
Wikka site
Update the official documentation on the website, possibly searching for all occurrences of the previous version (note: since the official documentation is hosted on the the new docs server).
Create documentation pages for new features if needed. Version specific documentation pages must be tagged using the dedicated {{since version="1.3"}} action. Some actions lacking dedicated pages
Update changed/enhanced features
Update ConfigurationOptions if any new configuration options were added
Update ThirdPartyInfo if needed
Update CreditsPage if needed
update the CSS overview on WikkaSkins
update WikkaSystemFiles
update WikkaSystemFilesMM
update WikkaCore if needed
update HandlerInfo if needed
update UsingActions if needed
Upgrade the Demo server to the latest version C. After release

On publishing new Wikka releases the following points should be taken care of.

Public announcements
Wikka site:
Update HomePage and link to new download
Update WhatsNew and WhatsNewBeta by changing the target page referred to in the {{include}} action.
Post announcement on the WikkaMailingLists mailing lists and the blog.
Third-party software
    • Notify third-party software authors/development teams about:
      • Just that there's a new version of Wikka that bundles their software as before
    • Authors of the following packages should be contacted:
FreeMind - Daniel Polanský - dan [dot] polansky [at] seznam [dot] cz ( ->
SafeHTML - Roman Ivanov - thingol [at] mail [dot] ru (
WikiEdit - Roman Ivanov - thingol [at] mail [dot] ru ( (replaced by WikkaEdit in
GeSHi - Nigel McNie - oracle [dot] shinoda [at] gmail [dot] com (
Onyx-RSS - There is no longer a domain / contact address for Onyx-RSS! (replaced by Feedcreator in 1.3.1)
Feedcreator - info [at] feedcreator [dot] org (
  1. open
External sites
Update external sites (check especially direct download links):
Freshmeat — wikka (login needed: DarTar has access)
Detailed release notes
(Optionally) upload new screenshot for new features
Hotscripts — wikka (login needed: DarTar has access)
Detailed release notes
Needscripts — wikka (login needed: DarTar has access)
Detailed release notes — WikkaWiki (no edit restrictions)
Major additions only
Meatball — WikkaWiki (no edit restrictions)
Major additions only
Wikipedia — WikkaWiki (no edit restrictions - update other languages too)
Major additions only
WP localized pages should be updated accordingly, where possible:
Wikipedia — Comparison of wiki software (no edit restrictions)
Wikimatrix (DarTar has access - update Wiki page, announcements, feature list)
Major additions only
Softpedia send update request when a release is available no longer listed
FreeMind "Stuff" (initially add (explaining FreeMind support); for versions > extensions of support for FreeMind only)
CMS Matrix (login needed: DarTar has access)
Swik (no edit restrictions)
WikiMatrix (no edit restrictions) Unclear how to edit the left sidebar
WikiEngineComparison (no edit restrictions)
Free Software Directory (send updates to [email protected])

Addition of new features to the table
Ask for reviews/announcements:
OpenSourceCMS (login needed: DarTar has access)
FramaSoft request announcement
Wiki-comparison in the Gruenderwiki "(edit only with a name)"
  1. open
Other tasks
Modify downloads/latest_wikka_version.txt to reflect latest release version (needed for {{checkversion}} action)
Clone AdminReleaseCheckListTemplate to AdminReleaseCheckList; change include in AdminReleaseCheckList to point to new version checklist
Update Docs:WikkaReleaseNotes for upcoming version
Create WhatsNew page on docs server for upcoming version

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