Revision history for AndreasTengicki

Revision [18765]

Last edited on 2008-01-28 00:12:35 by AndreasTengicki [Modified links pointing to docs server]

No Differences

Revision [13205]

Edited on 2006-02-16 08:20:54 by AndreasTengicki [Link to beta of MassaclsAction]
~- First version of MassaclsAction as part of PageAdminAction.
I have realized a first version, look here (MassaclsAction)
<<New: A question in 3.3: How to design the mass action - 15.02.2006<<
I need the mass action ACL changes in the PageAdminAction. But I'm yet not sure how to implement it.
How I get the information from the form in my action?
~&To realize the ACT mass-action, I have two possible solutions. First aber choice the ACL action in the combobox, I can open a small form under the combo box, to add the needed data. Or Second I open a new page to enter the needed Data and after that than comes the action for the before selected pages. What do you prefer? --AndreasTengicki

Revision [13193]

Edited on 2006-02-15 03:28:38 by AndreasTengicki [A question in 3.3: How to design the mass action]
<<New: A question in 3.3: How to design the mass action - 15.02.2006<<
~& We know that the order in which things are presented at the moment: That is why we have opened up the issue tracker. This is the place where you should open up tickets for feature requests and bugs. The items from SuggestionBox und WikkaBugs will be moved there. But it's a time-consuming issue. I'll hopefully be able to do some things after my course finishes tomorrow. --NilsLindenberg
~~&Thanks for the answers, and you made a good job here, time is something we all miss ;-) --AndreasTengicki
~&To realize the ACT mass-action, I have two possible solutions. First aber choice the ACL action in the combobox, I can open a small form under the combo box, to add the needed data. Or Second I open a new page to enter the needed Data and after that than comes the action for the before selected pages. What do you prefer? --AndreasTengicki
~& We know that the order in which things are presented at the moment: That is why we have opened up the issue tracker. This is the place where you should open up tickets for feature requests and bugs. The items from SuggestionBox und WikkaBugs will be moved there. But it's a time-consuming issue. I'll hopefully be able to do some things after my course finishes tomorrow. --NilsLindenberg

Revision [13153]

Edited on 2006-02-11 15:16:52 by NilsLindenberg [+some replies]
~& We know that the order in which things are presented at the moment: That is why we have opened up the issue tracker. This is the place where you should open up tickets for feature requests and bugs. The items from SuggestionBox und WikkaBugs will be moved there. But it's a time-consuming issue. I'll hopefully be able to do some things after my course finishes tomorrow. --NilsLindenberg
~& You can always add questions to WikkaFaq if you don't find the answer there. A forum will be installed, but again, it's an issue of finding time. We are only two people at the moment and I had examns.
~- PageAdminAction expaned, that there a four wnew columns: Page Title, ACL read, ACL write and ACL column. For a better overview
~& As you may have seen, newer files already have defines instead of the hardcoded strings. Again, it's an issue of time till every hardcoded string will be replaced.
~& you could take a look at WikkaSkins and the Skin repository.
~- PageAdminAction expaned, that there a four new columns: Page Title, ACL read, ACL write and ACL column. For a better overview

Revision [13149]

Edited on 2006-02-11 08:27:39 by AndreasTengicki [+some replies]
On the channel #wikka I see no discussion and the archive of the mailing list is empty. I did not found a forum for my questions. The WikiFAQ doesn't answer my questions. Because of that I use this page.
On the channel #wikka I see no discussion and the archive of the mailing list is empty. I did not found a forum for my questions. The WikiFAX doesn't answer my questions. Because of that I use this page.

Revision [13148]

Edited on 2006-02-11 08:26:34 by AndreasTengicki [+some replies]
On the channel #wikka I see no discussion and the archive of the mailing list is empty. I did not found a forum for my questions. The WikiFAX doesn't answer my questions. Because of that I use this page.
On the channel #wikka I see no discussion and the archive of the mailing list is empty. I did not found a forum or a FAQ for my questions. Because of that I use this page.

Revision [13146]

Edited on 2006-02-10 15:38:10 by AndreasTengicki [+some replies]
====Andreas Tengicki====

Revision [13145]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2006-02-10 15:37:48 by AndreasTengicki [+some replies]
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