Andreas Tengicki

Last edited by AndreasTengicki:
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Mon, 28 Jan 2008 00:12 UTC [diff]

My name is Andreas Tengicki I'm Managing Director of a small software development company in Germany, near by Frankfurt/Main.
My first Wiki, realized with WikkaWakka is more a private one, a knowledge base for the Green Party in our community.
When the Wiki is online, I will place a link here.

In the following I will tell

1. Impressions

The Wiki "himself" is very fine, fast and I can make additions in mysql and php, perfect. For that I work with it.

The following is no critic against any person. It is very good what is here and it is Open Source, "use it or leave is". But I have some ideas to do something easier (see Suggestion 3.1). It is not easy to explain it in an foreign language, for that I hope there is no misunderstanding.

The organization of the community is not easy to see through. There is the Wiki where I can use Textsearch, but I look into the Wiki to see "what is there". I don't know what I'm looking for, because I did not know the "search words", it is more browsing then searching.

I can look at CodeContributions or SuggestionBox, there are links to many other sites. Then is there an external issue tracker, with links back to the Wiki. Which status of an suggestion is actual? Some informations are redundant. To get an overview is not easy.

On the channel #wikka I see no discussion and the archive of the mailing list is empty. I did not found a forum for my questions. The WikiFAQ doesn't answer my questions. Because of that I use this page.

I believe this Wiki (and perhaps other too) needs an automatism to create overview pages. You have pages with items (records) where you describe something, that has a status. A project, a suggestion, a issue ticket or something else. Than you can generate an overview page. And if you change the status (or something else) into the detail page, than it changed on the overview page without any work. More about that in 3.1.

2. What is installed and why

I installed:

And I make some changes by my self
The code of this changes (and future changes) will I make public, if I'm ready with it.

3. Suggestions & Questions

3.1 Database

As an developer of database systems it is a little bit curious to use the item "database" here, but I believe it is the best.
The idea is, to have three different parts
It would be one of my next steps to implement a first version.

3.2 picture upload

I'm looking for a solution that a user can upload pictures for his site on an easy way.

3.3. mass-action

I have realized a first version, look here (MassaclsAction)

3.4. {usergroups}

As extension to ACLsWithUserGroups an action {usergroups} that shows all usergroups who the current active user is member of.

3.5. translation

Translation should be easier and independent from code changes if the defines are not in the soure code.
The better place is an own include file, i believe.

3.6. Skin/Layout

I have not looked into the css yet. But is there a possibilty to make a layout with three columns, top and left navigation, in the middle the Wiki and some other stuff on the right. Look at, to see what I mean. That is the site, where I want add the Wiki or realize it complete with the Wiki.

3.7 code version

By installing all the parts I describe above, and some code changes from me, I'm a little afraid what to do, if there comes a new version of Wikka Wakka.

I hope this was not too much.



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