Revision [21652]
This is an old revision of BrianKoontz made by BrianKoontz on 2011-12-22 10:35:40.
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Who I am
I'm a high school math/computer science teacher in the International Baccalaureate program at Garland High School (Home of the Fighting Owls), in Garland, TX. I'm currently using Wikka to host internal content for a client with my consulting business. I also use an "WikiInAVacuum invisible wiki" to host content about my automotive performance company. I've been an open source advocate for many years, and try to use open source whenever possible. My contributions to Wikka is a token of my appreciation for a great OSS application maintained and supported by a very knowledgeable group of individuals.
I am a member of the CreditsPage Wikka development team. I help out with general site maintenance, various development and server maintenance tasks, and whatever other issues in the issues database catch my interest. Some of my contributions are listed below.
Why I'm here
I've worked my way through several versions of the Wakka->Wacko->Wikka progeny line. Wakka dead-ended on me, while my Russian never did get any better with Wacko (no, I don't speak Russian, which made it very difficult to work with Wacko beyond the level of an end user). I'm currently using Wikka to host internal content for a client with my consulting business. I would like to see, at some point down the road, a merger of the best of features in both Wacko and Wikka...I believe both have their strong points, and it would be such a waste to see features in one lost on the other.
Wikka stuff
Plugins I've written
- EditCache plugin: This gives you the ability to temporarily save your page edits, and provides "save and continue" functionality so you don't lose those long editing sessions due to a browser crash!
- BookmarkManager plugin: A social bookmarking clone to handle tagging of bookmarks, notes, etc. Also works nicely as a personal bookmark manager. (BookmarkManager Archived page [deprecated]).
- CallsignLookupAction: Performs lookups against the U.S. amateur radio callsign database (local copy required; freely available from the FCC, see link on page).
Other stuff I've written
- I wrote a perl script to MigrateFromWackoWiki migrate my Wacko pages to Wikka. The code is documented, so I won't bore anyone with the details.
- WordcountAction: Needed a quick and dirty wordcount action. Needs more work when time permits...
- LinkcountAction: Count links in a page. Needs optimization work.
- CloneACLs: A patch you can apply to handlers/page/clone.php that will optionally copy the ACLs from the source page to the new page while cloning a page (slated for inclusion in release 1.3/2.0).
- HTMLHandler: Export pages as "standalone" HTML documents (without headers, footers, comments, etc.). Update: This will be included in the 1.2 release.
- WikiInAVacuum: More steps to further increase the invisibility of your wiki. This is an extension of InvisibleWiki, so please access that document first before moving on to this.
- PageIndexNotesPatch: Display page notes in output from PageIndex.
- RandomCommentGenerator: Like the name says...used for development of Wikka comment code.
- A screenshot of some code I'm working on to implement threaded comments. Update: This will be included in the upcoming 1.2 release.
- How to implement a simple TwoColumnLayout 2-column layout.
- Some SEOHacks SEO hacks (including the ability to specify a title and meta tag for individual pages).
- HashAction: Calculates an MD5 and/or SHA1 hash for the body of a page (hash is calculated against wiki markup as stored in the DB).
Skunkworks (stuff I'm researching)
- WikkaCake: Integration of CakePHP with Wikka. My goal is to allow for "drop-in" installation of actions and handlers developed as CakePHP apps. I currently have a test app up and running under Wikka and will post my notes and example code soon. Update: Working on update for compatibility with CakePHP 1.3
- Create a gopher server (yes, gopher!) capable of serving up Wikka pages. Click the gopher link for a blast from the past (or as a check for browser snobbery). More progress WikkaGopher here.
- A CIA bot notifier. CIABotNotifier Preliminary implementation; further enhancements (MW-specific) made by brlcad.
Stuff others have written that I've found useful
- ACLsWithUserGroups Group ACLs -- A very elegant and simple solution for providing group-level granularity to ACLs.
- SpellcheckHack -- Another nice mod. Some typos in the code as posted; see comments for details.
- AnchorAction -- HTML anchors. Again, some minor code changes noted in comments to get this to work.
- MySkin Skins -- Testing this on my own site. Still some minor glitches to work through on this, but it's pretty slick once you get it working!
- FilesManagementSolution -- File upload handler and file list action.
- FreeCap -- CAPTCHA-based registration authentication. I've posted modifications so this will work with trunk. A live version I installed can be found here.
Stuff I'd like to implement if/when I get the time
- A quick and dirty handler (such as {{s}}) to insert a sig in the editor
- A "store and continue edit" button on the editor (user would be able to continue editing from the same point)
- Integrate Wikka with Trac (or at least use the Wikka formatter in place of the currently-used wiki formatter in Trac)
- Take a closer look at KlenWell's code for refactoring/templatizing some of the Wikka code.
- Compare plugin architectures for WordPress and Serendipity
- A rename handler that not only renames a page, but modifies every wiki page that references the renamed page. (This probably needs to be extended to the delete handler as well if not already done.)
- There are some interesting ideas here!
Other interesting Wikka stuff
Contact info
Brian Koontzbrian [at] wikkawiki [dot] org
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