Actions Development Category

This category is a subcategory of CategoryDevelopment: it is intended specifically for Action development pages.

If you create or edit a page to (further) develop an action that is (or will be) part of the Wikka release, make sure you add it into this category rather than in the main CategoryDevelopment.

Placing development pages in their appropriate subcategory (instead of the main CategoryDevelopment) will help to get a better overview of development efforts. Note that other subcategories may apply as well: make sure to mention all that apply!

The following 46 page(s) belong to CategoryDevelopmentActions

ActionTemplate [ActionTemplate] AddThisAction [AddThisAction] AdminActions [AdminActions]
AdminModules [AdminModules] AdvancedBacklinksAction [AdvancedBacklinksAction] AdvancedCategoryAction [AdvancedCategoryAction]
BigImageGalleryAction [BigImageGalleryAction] BigImageGalleryActionTemplate [BigImageGalleryActionTemplate] BookmarkManager [BookmarkManager]
CalendarLinkAction [CalendarLinkAction] DbInfoAction [DbInfoAction] DocumentationLanguageLinking [DocumentationLanguageLinking]
EditPhpArrayAction [EditPhpArrayAction] GoogleMap [GoogleMap] HighlighterAction [HighlighterAction]
IFilmAction [IFilmAction] ImprovedRecentChanges [ImprovedRecentChanges] LastEdit [LastEdit]
LastFMAction [LastFMAction] LicenseAction [LicenseAction] LinkRewriting [LinkRewriting]
MapstractionAction [MapstractionAction] MassaclsAction [MassaclsAction] PageAdminAction [PageAdminAction]
PageAndCategoryDivisionInACategory [Division between Pages and categories in a Category] PageWatches [PageWatches] PicasaAction [PicasaAction]
RecentChangesAction [RecentChangesAction] RecentChangesPlus [RecentChangesPlus] RegisterAction [RegisterAction]
SecurityModules [SecurityModules] TableAction [TableAction] TableofcontentsAction [TableofcontentsAction]
UpdateCategoryAction [UpdateCategoryAction] UserAccountModules [UserAccountModules] UserAdmin [UserAdmin]
UserChangesAction [UserChangesAction] UserCommentsAction [UserCommentsAction] UserPagesAction [UserPagesAction]
UserRegistration [UserRegistration] UserSettingsPanel [UserSettingsPanel] VideoAction [VideoAction]
WikkaCountingRecords [WikkaCountingRecords] WikkaMenulets [WikkaMenulets] WikkaMenusAdmin [WikkaMenusAdmin]
WikkaSkinSelector [WikkaSkinSelector]

Comment by MinusF
2006-01-06 14:21:35
as i am beefing up some of the wikka actions i have noticed that instead of using the html attributes which are well known and widely used most of the actions use hard to remember and easy to confuse pseudo parameters/attributes like {{image}} using url instead of src.

in the new versions i make at least i am making the html standard attributes (like src= for image) an alias to the (for me) meaningless url= . i would like to see this enforced as a rule for html element related ({{table}}, {{image}}, etc) action development...
Comment by DarTar
2006-01-06 15:16:01
agreed - keeping in mind backward-compatibility though.
Comment by MinusF
2006-01-08 21:41:59
backward-compatibility is not a problem, except maybe for {{table}}.
i submitted a suggestion in the tracker for {{table}} but i have just discovered the ongoing discussion about it... shame on me, i'll search more before posting stuff.
Comment by MinusF
2006-01-09 13:54:33
i think there should be a file which contains all the action configuration (action.config.php) ... containing something like:

/* lastinfo */
define('DEFAULT_SHOW', '3');
define('DATE_FORMAT', 'D, d M Y');
define('TIME_FORMAT', 'H:i T');

and so on for all the actions. this file would be sourced from wikka.config.php so all the actions have access to it.

but perhaps with date and time, that would be specified only at one place, normally a site uses the same date/time form everywhere, doesn't it?
Comment by NilsLindenberg
2006-01-09 16:23:12
>but perhaps with date and time, that would be specified only at one place, normally a site uses the same date/time form everywhere, doesn't it?

the idea is to make it configurable for the user, see
Comment by DarTar
2006-01-10 08:10:53
MinusF, I'm not sure whether centralizing all the action options in a single config file would be a good idea. Unless we have a module for handling action installation/removal/configuration (see for instance, this could result in inconsistencies and bugs as soon as single actions are hacked/upgraded. And once action settings can be modified through an wiki interface, it doesn't really matter whether they are stored in a central config file or in the action file itself, right?
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