Criteria for Wiki Selection
- personal notes
- computer logs
- office use
- GPL, Mature
- good navigation/search functions
- HTML, images, tables, comments
- cut&paste txt,html
- integrated MyFreemind
- multilingugal (DE,FR,EN,PL)
- Output: Print, HTML, PDF, Raw
- History, Index of pages
- Unicode UTF8
- Permissions, ACL
Nice to have
- Categories
- Revision Control/History
- lightweight, extensible
- Backlinks, breadcrumbs
- Recent changes, Wanted, Orphaned pages
First Choices
- Dokuwiki
- Erfurtwiki
I want to display the development of a system (e.g. computer) as a log (history), and also show the current status without doing double documentation work - if possible, using Freemind.I am a big fan of Freemind for idea development, and this could be an ideal combination.