Revision history for CriTeria
Revision [19138]
Last edited on 2008-01-28 00:14:03 by OtTo [Modified links pointing to docs server]No Differences
~- cut&paste txt,html
~- integrated [[MyFreemind]]
~- multilingugal (DE,FR,EN,PL)
~- Output: Print, HTML, PDF, Raw
~- History, Index of pages
~- Unicode UTF8
~- Permissions, ACL
~- AutoTOC
==== Nice to have ====
~- Categories
~- Revision Control/History
~- lightweight, extensible
~- Backlinks, breadcrumbs
~- Recent changes, Wanted, Orphaned pages
==== First Choices ====
~- WikkaWiki
~- Dokuwiki
~- Erfurtwiki
==== Wishlist ====
I want to display the development of a system (e.g. computer) as a log (history), and also show the current status without doing double documentation work - if possible, using Freemind.
I am a big fan of Freemind for idea development, and this could be an ideal combination.
~- integrated [[MyFreemind]]
~- multilingugal (DE,FR,EN,PL)
~- Output: Print, HTML, PDF, Raw
~- History, Index of pages
~- Unicode UTF8
~- Permissions, ACL
~- AutoTOC
==== Nice to have ====
~- Categories
~- Revision Control/History
~- lightweight, extensible
~- Backlinks, breadcrumbs
~- Recent changes, Wanted, Orphaned pages
==== First Choices ====
~- WikkaWiki
~- Dokuwiki
~- Erfurtwiki
==== Wishlist ====
I want to display the development of a system (e.g. computer) as a log (history), and also show the current status without doing double documentation work - if possible, using Freemind.
I am a big fan of Freemind for idea development, and this could be an ideal combination.
~- cut
~- integrated [[MyFreemind]]
~- multilingugal (DE,FR,EN,PL)
~- Output: Print, HTML, PDF, Raw
~- History, Index of pages
~- Unicode UTF8
~- Permissions, ACL
~- AutoTOC
==== Nice to have ====
~- Categories
~- Revision Control/History
~- lightweight, extensible
~- Backlinks, breadcrumbs
~- Recent changes, Wanted, Orphaned pages
==== First Choices ====
~- WikkaWiki
~- Dokuwiki
~- Erfurtwiki
==== Wishlist ====
I want to display the development of a system (e.g. computer) as a log (history), and also show the current status without doing double documentation work - if possible, using Freemind.
I am a big fan of Freemind for idea development, and this could be an ideal combination.
I am a big fan of Freemind for idea development, and this could be an ideal combination.
~- good navigation/search functions
~- Revision Control/History
~- Backlinks, breadcrumbs
~- WikkaWiki
I want to display the development of a system (e.g. computer) as a log (history), and also show the current status without doing double documentation work - if possible, using Freemind.
I am a big fan of Freemind for idea devlopment, and this could be an idel combination.
~- Revision Control/History
~- Backlinks, breadcrumbs
~- WikkaWiki
I want to display the development of a system (e.g. computer) as a log (history), and also show the current status without doing double documentation work - if possible, using Freemind.
I am a big fan of Freemind for idea devlopment, and this could be an idel combination.
~- Revision Control
~- Backlinks
I want to display the development of a system (e.g. computer) as a log (history), and also show the current status without doing double documentation work.
~- integrated [[MyFreemind]]
~- integrated [[Freemind]]
==== Nice to have ====
==== Wishlist ====
I want to display the development of a system (e.g. computer) as a log (history), and also show the current status without doing double documentation work.
I want to display the development of a system (e.g. computer) as a log (history), and also show the current status without doing double documentation work.
~- lightweight, extensible
~- cut&paste txt,html