Revision history for Mod015fFilesAction
Revision [23277]
Last edited on 2016-05-20 07:38:47 by JavaWoman [Replaces old-style internal links with new pipe-split links.]Additions:
- if you want to recognize mime types, you must set ##$wakkaConfig['mime_types']## to a file like [[Docs:MimeTypesFile | this]]
--[[ | TobiasHesselmann]]
--[[ | TobiasHesselmann]]
--[[ TobiasHesselmann]]
Revision [19304]
Edited on 2008-01-28 00:14:45 by JavaWoman [Modified links pointing to docs server]Additions:
- if you want to recognize mime types, you must set ##$wakkaConfig['mime_types']## to a file like [[Docs:MimeTypesFile this]]
Revision [17188]
Edited on 2007-07-07 08:27:01 by JavaWoman [ links for (+ credit link)]Additions:
**[[ VictorManuelVarela]]**
--[[ TobiasHesselmann]]
--[[ TobiasHesselmann]]
==== Wikka Mod 015 ====
Type: Feature Addition
<<This is the info about the version of the ""{{files}}"" action currently included in Wikka.
~-For the development page, take a look at FilesAction.
~-For a documentation of how to use the current version, look at FilesActionInfo.
Victor Manuel Varela
==== Files Action ====
This action allows easy file uploading/downloading from a wakka page.
See: [[]]
All you have **to do** is:
- set ##$wakkaConfig['upload_path']## to a writable directory: a directory by each page will be created to store their attached files.
- add ##""{{""Files""}}""## to the page content: a form to upload files will be shown to users with write access.
- insert ##""{{""Files download="filename" text="descriptive name"""}}""## to show a link to download every file.
- if you want to recognize mime types, you must set ##$wakkaConfig['mime_types']## to a file like [[MimeTypesFile this]]
//Note: The mime_types file HAS to exist. If it doesn't, the pagehandler writes "ERROR: unreadable file mime.types" at the beginning of the file you want to download - not to the browser screen, as it should. You have to create an empty mime types file in the Wakka root directory, like "touch mime.types"//
Type: Feature Addition
<<This is the info about the version of the ""{{files}}"" action currently included in Wikka.
~-For the development page, take a look at FilesAction.
~-For a documentation of how to use the current version, look at FilesActionInfo.
Victor Manuel Varela
==== Files Action ====
This action allows easy file uploading/downloading from a wakka page.
See: [[]]
All you have **to do** is:
- set ##$wakkaConfig['upload_path']## to a writable directory: a directory by each page will be created to store their attached files.
- add ##""{{""Files""}}""## to the page content: a form to upload files will be shown to users with write access.
- insert ##""{{""Files download="filename" text="descriptive name"""}}""## to show a link to download every file.
- if you want to recognize mime types, you must set ##$wakkaConfig['mime_types']## to a file like [[MimeTypesFile this]]
//Note: The mime_types file HAS to exist. If it doesn't, the pagehandler writes "ERROR: unreadable file mime.types" at the beginning of the file you want to download - not to the browser screen, as it should. You have to create an empty mime types file in the Wakka root directory, like "touch mime.types"//
Type: Feature Addition
<<This is the info about the version of the ""{{files}}"" action currently included in Wikka.
~-For the development page, take a look at FilesAction.
~-For a documentation of how to use the current version, look at FilesActionInfo.
Victor Manuel Varela
==== Files Action ====
This action allows easy file uploading/downloading from a wakka page.
See: [[]]
All you have **to do** is:
- set ##$wakkaConfig['upload_path']## to a writable directory: a directory by each page will be created to store their attached files.
- add ##""{{""Files""}}""## to the page content: a form to upload files will be shown to users with write access.
- insert ##""{{""Files download="filename" text="descriptive name"""}}""## to show a link to download every file.
- if you want to recognize mime types, you must set ##$wakkaConfig['mime_types']## to a file like [[MimeTypesFile this]]
//Note: The mime_types file HAS to exist. If it doesn't, the pagehandler writes "ERROR: unreadable file mime.types" at the beginning of the file you want to download - not to the browser screen, as it should. You have to create an empty mime types file in the Wakka root directory, like "touch mime.types"//
~-For a documentation of how to use the current version, look at FilesActionInfo.
~-For the development page, take a look at FilesAction.
<<This is the info about the version of the ""{{files}}"" action currently included in Wikka.
~-For the development page, take a look at Mod015fFilesAction.
~-For a documentation of how to use the current version, look at FilesActionInfo.<<
~-For the development page, take a look at Mod015fFilesAction.
~-For a documentation of how to use the current version, look at FilesActionInfo.<<
==== Wikka Mod 015 ====
Type: Feature Addition
Victor Manuel Varela
<<This page is related to the integration of the files-action in wikka. You can find development and sourcecode at FilesAction. You can find the documentation at FilesActionInfo.<<
==== Files Action ====
This action allows easy file uploading/downloading from a wakka page.
See: [[]]
All you have **to do** is:
- set ##$wakkaConfig['upload_path']## to a writable directory: a directory by each page will be created to store their attached files.
- add ##""{{""Files""}}""## to the page content: a form to upload files will be shown to users with write access.
- insert ##""{{""Files download="filename" text="descriptive name"""}}""## to show a link to download every file.
- if you want to recognize mime types, you must set ##$wakkaConfig['mime_types']## to a file like [[MimeTypesFile this]]
//Note: The mime_types file HAS to exist. If it doesn't, the pagehandler writes "ERROR: unreadable file mime.types" at the beginning of the file you want to download - not to the browser screen, as it should. You have to create an empty mime types file in the Wakka root directory, like "touch mime.types"//
Type: Feature Addition
Victor Manuel Varela
<<This page is related to the integration of the files-action in wikka. You can find development and sourcecode at FilesAction. You can find the documentation at FilesActionInfo.<<
==== Files Action ====
This action allows easy file uploading/downloading from a wakka page.
See: [[]]
All you have **to do** is:
- set ##$wakkaConfig['upload_path']## to a writable directory: a directory by each page will be created to store their attached files.
- add ##""{{""Files""}}""## to the page content: a form to upload files will be shown to users with write access.
- insert ##""{{""Files download="filename" text="descriptive name"""}}""## to show a link to download every file.
- if you want to recognize mime types, you must set ##$wakkaConfig['mime_types']## to a file like [[MimeTypesFile this]]
//Note: The mime_types file HAS to exist. If it doesn't, the pagehandler writes "ERROR: unreadable file mime.types" at the beginning of the file you want to download - not to the browser screen, as it should. You have to create an empty mime types file in the Wakka root directory, like "touch mime.types"//
Type: Feature Addition
Victor Manuel Varela
==== Files Action ====
This action allows easy file uploading/downloading from a wakka page.
See: [[]]
All you have **to do** is:
- set ##$wakkaConfig['upload_path']## to a writable directory: a directory by each page will be created to store their attached files.
- add ##""{{""Files""}}""## to the page content: a form to upload files will be shown to users with write access.
- insert ##""{{""Files download="filename" text="descriptive name"""}}""## to show a link to download every file.
- if you want to recognize mime types, you must set ##$wakkaConfig['mime_types']## to a file like [[MimeTypesFile this]]
//Note: The mime_types file HAS to exist. If it doesn't, the pagehandler writes "ERROR: unreadable file mime.types" at the beginning of the file you want to download - not to the browser screen, as it should. You have to create an empty mime types file in the Wakka root directory, like "touch mime.types"//
if (! function_exists('mkdir_r')) {
function mkdir_r ($dir) {
if (strlen($dir) == 0) return 0;
if (is_dir($dir)) return 1;
elseif (dirname($dir) == $dir) return 1;
return (mkdir_r(dirname($dir)) and mkdir($dir,0755));
if ($download <> '') {
// link to download a file
if ($text == '') $text = $download;
echo "<a href=\"".$this->href('files.xml',$this->GetPageTag(),'action=download&file='.urlencode($download))."\">".$text."</a>";
} elseif ($this->page AND $this->HasAccess('write') AND ($this->method <> 'print.xml') AND ($this->method <> 'edit')) {
// upload path
if ($this->config['upload_path'] == '') $this->config['upload_path'] = 'files';
$upload_path = $this->config['upload_path'].'/'.$this->GetPageTag();
if (! is_dir($upload_path)) mkdir_r($upload_path);
// upload action
$uploaded = $_FILES['file'];
if ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'upload' AND $uploaded['size'] > 0)
copy ($uploaded['tmp_name'], $upload_path.'/'.$uploaded['name']);
// form
$result = "<form action=\"".$this->href()."\" method=\"post\" enctype=\"multipart/form-data\">\n";
if (!$this->config["rewrite_mode"]) $result .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"wakka\" value=\"".$this->MiniHref()."\">\n";
echo $result;
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="upload"><input type="file" name="file"><input type="submit" value="+">
echo $this->FormClose();
// uploaded files
$dir = opendir($upload_path);
while ($file = readdir($dir)) {
if ($file != '.' && $file != '..') {
$delete_link = "<a href=\"".$this->href('files.xml',$this->GetPageTag(),'action=delete&file='.urlencode($file))."\">x</a>";
$download_link = "<a href=\"".$this->href('files.xml',$this->GetPageTag(),'action=download&file='.urlencode($file))."\">".$file."</a>";
print "[ {$delete_link} ] ";
if ($file == $uploaded['name'])
print "<em>{$download_link}</em>\n";
print $download_link;
print '<br>';
/* mime stuff take from Paul Southworth */
$mt_f = $this->config['mime_types'];
if ($mt_f == '') $mt_f='mime.types';
/* build an array keyed on the file ext */
if (is_readable($mt_f)) {
/* open our mime.types file for reading */
while (!feof($mt_fd)) {
/* pull a line off the file */
/* discard if the line was blank or started with a comment */
if (strlen($mt_buf) > 0) if (substr($mt_buf,0,1) != "#") {
/* make temp array of the mime.types line we just read */
$mt_tmp=preg_split("/[\s]+/", $mt_buf, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
/* if $mt_num = 1 then we got no file extensions for the type */
if ($mt_num > 1) {
for ($i=1;$i<$mt_num;$i++) {
/* if we find a comment mid-line, stop processing */
if (strstr($mt_tmp[$i],"#")) {
/* otherwise stick the type in an array keyed by extension */
} else {
/* zero the temporary array */
/* close the mime.types file we were reading */
} else {
echo "ERROR: unreadable file " . $mt_f . "\n";
// upload path
if ($this->config['upload_path'] == '') $this->config['upload_path'] = 'files';
$upload_path = $this->config['upload_path'].'/'.$this->GetPageTag();
if (! is_dir($upload_path)) mkdir_r($upload_path);
// do the action
switch ($_REQUEST['action']) {
case 'download':
$_REQUEST['file'] = urldecode($_REQUEST['file']);
if ($this->HasAccess('read')) {
$path = "{$upload_path}/{$_REQUEST['file']}";
$filename = basename($path);
header('MIME-Version: 1.0');
$afn = split("\.",$filename);
$ext = strtolower($afn[count($afn)-1]);
$mime_type = $mime_types[$ext];
if ($mime_type == '') $mime_type = 'application/octet-stream';
header("Content-Type: {$mime_type}; name=\"{$filename}\"");
header('Content-Length: '. filesize($path));
header("Content-Disposition: filename=\"{$filename}\"");
print fread($fp,filesize($path));
case 'delete':
if ($this->HasAccess('write')) {
print $this->redirect($this->href());
Nice.. but shouldn't delete at least check some permissions? ''(answer: I am checking write permission...)''
-- ArnarBirgisson
Why "files.xml"? shouldn't it be "files.php"? ''(answer: .xml actions does not include header and footer)''
(files.xml didn't work, but renaming it to "files.xml.php" helped.)
=> Kommentar::
files-action only works if you copy files.xml and store it as files.xml.php as well as files.xml ??????????
//Jetzt geht es, aber das ist ziemlich irre, weil ::
- files.xml
noch einmal als ::
- files.xml.php
abgespeichert werden muss. ?? es funktioniert .. //
:: FileUp ::
By the way, having an upload form on a page seems to break the page preview "Store" and "Re-edit" buttons.
''(fixed hidding the form on editing, thanks for your bug information)''
-- Tero
Here is the same bug like in ImgAction: the use of ##$vars##. Replace line 11 to 16 in actions/files.php with this:
if ($tokens['download'] ) {
// link to download a file
$text = $this->stripquotes($action_params['download']);
if ($tokens['text'])
$text = $this->stripquotes($action_params['text']);
echo "<a href=\"".$this->href('files.xml',$this->GetPageTag(),'action=download&file='.urlencode($this->stripquotes($action_params['download'])))."\">".$text."</a>";
For the function ##$this->stripquotes## read ImgAction
Fileupload on editing pages see FileUpload
Fix: Added closing CurlyBrace in last replacement code.
The code below offers a more visually improved layout for this handler and also displays the file size and the date of file upload.
- HeavyK (k m r @ h e a v y k . o r g), 3/27/04
if (! function_exists('mkdir_r')) {
function mkdir_r ($dir) {
if (strlen($dir) == 0) return 0;
if (is_dir($dir)) return 1;
elseif (dirname($dir) == $dir) return 1;
return (mkdir_r(dirname($dir)) and mkdir($dir,0755));
if (! function_exists('bytesToHumanReadableUsage')) {
* Converts bytes to a human readable string
* @param int $bytes Number of bytes
* @param int $precision Number of decimal places to include in return string
* @param array $names Custom usage strings
* @return string formatted string rounded to $precision
function bytesToHumanReadableUsage($bytes, $precision = 2, $names = '')
if (!is_numeric($bytes) || $bytes < 0) {
return false;
for ($level = 0; $bytes >= 1024; $level++) {
$bytes /= 1024;
switch ($level)
case 0:
$suffix = (isset($names[0])) ? $names[0] : 'Bytes';
case 1:
$suffix = (isset($names[1])) ? $names[1] : 'KB';
case 2:
$suffix = (isset($names[2])) ? $names[2] : 'MB';
case 3:
$suffix = (isset($names[3])) ? $names[3] : 'GB';
case 4:
$suffix = (isset($names[4])) ? $names[4] : 'TB';
$suffix = (isset($names[$level])) ? $names[$level] : '';
if (empty($suffix)) {
trigger_error('Unable to find suffix for case ' . $level);
return false;
return round($bytes, $precision) . ' ' . $suffix;
if ($download <> '') {
// link to download a file
if ($text == '') $text = $download;
echo "<a href=\"".$this->href('files.xml',$this->GetPageTag(),'action=download&file='.urlencode($download))."\">".$text."</a>";
} elseif ($this->page AND $this->HasAccess('write') AND ($this->method <> 'print.xml') AND ($this->method <> 'edit')) {
// upload path
if ($this->config['upload_path'] == '') $this->config['upload_path'] = 'files';
$upload_path = $this->config['upload_path'].'/'.$this->GetPageTag();
if (! is_dir($upload_path)) mkdir_r($upload_path);
// upload action
$uploaded = $_FILES['file'];
if ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'upload' AND $uploaded['size'] > 0)
copy ($uploaded['tmp_name'], $upload_path.'/'.$uploaded['name']);
// uploaded files
print "
<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>
<td bgcolor=gray valign=bottom align=center>
<font color=white size=-2>
<td bgcolor=gray valign=bottom align=center>
<font color=white size=-2>
<td bgcolor=gray valign=bottom align=center>
<font color=white size=-2>
Date Added
$dir = opendir($upload_path);
while ($file = readdir($dir)) {
if ($file != '.' && $file != '..') {
$delete_link = "<a href=\"".$this->href('files.xml',$this->GetPageTag(),'action=delete&file='.urlencode($file))."\">x</a>";
$download_link = "<a href=\"".$this->href('files.xml',$this->GetPageTag(),'action=download&file='.urlencode($file))."\">".$file."</a>";
$size = bytesToHumanReadableUsage(filesize("$upload_path/$file"));
$date = date("n/d/Y g:i a",filemtime("$upload_path/$file"));
print "
<td valign=top align=center>
<td valign=top>
<td valign=top>
<font size=-1 color=gray>
<td valign=top>
<font size=-1 color=gray>
// print n/a if no files currently exist
if (!$num) print "<tr><td> </td><td colspan=3 align=center><font color=gray size=-1><i> </i></font></td></tr>";
else print "<tr><td> </td></tr>";
// form
$result = "<form action=\"".$this->href()."\" method=\"post\" enctype=\"multipart/form-data\">\n";
if (!$this->config["rewrite_mode"]) $result .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"wakka\" value=\"".$this->MiniHref()."\">\n";
echo $result;
//<input type="hidden" name="action" value="upload"><input type="file" name="file"><input type="submit" value="+">
echo $this->FormClose();
// close disp table
print "
<td colspan=4 valign=top align=right nowrap>
<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"action\" value=\"upload\">
<font color=gray size=-2>
add new attachment:
<input type=\"file\" name=\"file\" style=\"padding: 0px; margin: 0px; font-size: 8px; height: 15px\">
<input type=\"Submit\" value=\"+\" style=\"padding: 0px; margin: 0px; font-size: 8px; height: 15px\">