Revision history for MyChangesAction

Revision [23443]

Last edited on 2016-05-20 07:38:48 by BrianKoontz [Replaces old-style internal links with new pipe-split links.]
For a comparison of the both versions see [[ | TimosChanges]]. That page uses the above code, but statically assumes TimoK as user, no matter if you are logged in or not.
For a comparison of the both versions see [[ TimosChanges]]. That page uses the above code, but statically assumes TimoK as user, no matter if you are logged in or not.

Revision [21028]

Edited on 2010-02-11 22:18:28 by BrianKoontz [Updated to reflect inclusion in 1.2]
==Implemented in 1.2==
==See also:==
if ($last) {
print("<br />\n");
print("<strong>$current</strong><br />\n");
$last = $current;
$rev_link = "<a href='".$baseurl.$tag."/revisions'>history</a>";
$page_link ="<a href='".$baseurl.$tag."'>".$tag."</a>";
print("  (".$time.") (".$rev_link.") ".$page_link."<br />\n");
$orderbyalpha = TRUE;
$orderbyalpha = FALSE;
if ($vars["sorting"] == "alpha" || $vars["sorting"] == "alphabetically") {
$orderbyalpha = TRUE;
$orderbyalpha = FALSE;
$str_sorting = " along with the time of your last change ";
$str_linktxt = "order by date";
$str_linkpar = "alphabetically=0";
$str_q2 = "' ORDER BY tag ASC, time DESC";
$str_sorting = " ordered by the time of your last change ";
$str_linktxt = "order alphabetically";
$str_linkpar = "alphabetically=1";
$str_q2 = "' ORDER BY pdate DESC, tag ASC, ptime DESC";
if ($orderbyalpha) {
foreach ($pages as $page) {
if (!preg_match("/[A-Z]/", $firstChar)) {
print_edit($last,$firstChar,$page["tag"],$page["pdate"]." ".$page["ptime"]);
} else {
foreach($pages as $page) {
print("<em>No pages found.</em>");
>>==See also:==
if ($last) {
print("<br />\n");
print("<strong>$current</strong><br />\n");
$last = $current;
$rev_link = "<a href='".$baseurl.$tag."/revisions'>history</a>";
$page_link ="<a href='".$baseurl.$tag."'>".$tag."</a>";
print("  (".$time.") (".$rev_link.") ".$page_link."<br />\n");
$orderbyalpha = TRUE;
$orderbyalpha = FALSE;
if ($vars["sorting"] == "alpha" || $vars["sorting"] == "alphabetically") {
$orderbyalpha = TRUE;
$orderbyalpha = FALSE;
$str_sorting = " along with the time of your last change ";
$str_linktxt = "order by date";
$str_linkpar = "alphabetically=0";
$str_q2 = "' ORDER BY tag ASC, time DESC";
$str_sorting = " ordered by the time of your last change ";
$str_linktxt = "order alphabetically";
$str_linkpar = "alphabetically=1";
$str_q2 = "' ORDER BY pdate DESC, tag ASC, ptime DESC";
if ($orderbyalpha) {
foreach ($pages as $page) {
if ($last_tag != $page["tag"]) {
$last_tag = $page["tag"];
$firstChar = strtoupper($page["tag"][0]);
if (!preg_match("/[A-Z]/", $firstChar)) {
$firstChar = "#";
print_edit($last,$firstChar,$page["tag"],$page["pdate"]." ".$page["ptime"]);
} else {
foreach($pages as $page) {
if ($last_tag != $page["tag"]) {
$last_tag = $page["tag"];
print("<em>No pages found.</em>");

Revision [19193]

Edited on 2008-01-28 00:14:43 by TimoK [Modified links pointing to docs server]

No Differences

Revision [16969]

Edited on 2007-05-31 23:27:31 by TimoK [Reverted]
print("   (".$page["time"].") (".$this->Link($page["tag"], "revisions", "history", 0).") ".$this->Link($page["tag"], "", "", 0)."<br />\n");

if ($my_edits_count == 0)
print("<em>You have not edited any pages yet.</em>");
print("<em>No pages found.</em>");
print("<strong>This is a list of pages you've edited, ordered by the time of your last change (<a href=\"".$this->href("", $tag, "alphabetically=1")."\">order alphabetically</a>).</strong><br /><br />\n");
if ($pages = $this->LoadAll("SELECT tag, time FROM ".$this->config["table_prefix"]."pages WHERE user = '".mysql_real_escape_string($this->GetUserName())."' ORDER BY time ASC, tag ASC"))
$edited_pages[$page["tag"]] = $page["time"];
$edited_pages = array_reverse($edited_pages);
foreach ($edited_pages as $page["tag"] => $page["time"])
// day header
list($day, $time) = explode(" ", $page["time"]);
if ($day != $curday)
if ($curday) print("<br />\n");
print("<strong>$day:</strong><br />\n");
$curday = $day;
// print entry
print("   ($time) (".$this->Link($page["tag"], "revisions", "history", 0).") ".$this->Link($page["tag"], "", "", 0)."<br />\n");

if ($my_edits_count == 0)
print("<em>You have not edited any pages yet.</em>");
print("<em>No pages found.</em>");
print("<em>You're not logged in, thus the list of pages you've edited couldn't be retrieved.</em>");
The above code doesn't sort the pages properly when sorting by time.
I have re-coded the action like this:
// re-coded by Timo Kissing
// Thanks a lot to JavaWoman for the help!
if(!function_exists("print_edit")) {
function print_edit(&$last, &$current, &$tag, $time) {
if ($current != $last) {
if ($last) {
print("<br />\n");
print("<strong>$current</strong><br />\n");
$last = $current;
$rev_link = "<a href='".$baseurl.$tag."/revisions'>history</a>";
$page_link ="<a href='".$baseurl.$tag."'>".$tag."</a>";
print("  (".$time.") (".$rev_link.") ".$page_link."<br />\n");
if ($this->GetUser()) {
$user = $this->GetUserName();
global $baseurl;
$baseurl = $this->config["base_url"];
$str_q1 = "SELECT DATE_FORMAT(time,'%Y-%m-%d') as pdate, ";
$str_q1.= "DATE_FORMAT(time,'%H:%i:%s') as ptime, ";
$str_q1.= "tag FROM ". $this->config["table_prefix"];
$str_q1.= "pages WHERE user = '". mysql_real_escape_string($user);
if ($_REQUEST["alphabetically"] == "1") {
$orderbyalpha = TRUE;
} elseif ($_REQUEST["alphabetically"] == "0") {
$orderbyalpha = FALSE;
} elseif (is_string($vars["sorting"])) {
if ($vars["sorting"] == "alpha" || $vars["sorting"] == "alphabetically") {
$orderbyalpha = TRUE;
} else {
$orderbyalpha = FALSE;
if ($orderbyalpha) {
$str_sorting = " along with the time of your last change ";
$str_linktxt = "order by date";
$str_linkpar = "alphabetically=0";
$str_q2 = "' ORDER BY tag ASC, time DESC";
} else {
$str_sorting = " ordered by the time of your last change ";
$str_linktxt = "order alphabetically";
$str_linkpar = "alphabetically=1";
$str_q2 = "' ORDER BY pdate DESC, tag ASC, ptime DESC";
print("<strong>This is a list of pages you've edited,");
print($str_sorting."(<a href='".$this->href("", $tag, $str_linkpar));
print("'>".$str_linktxt."</a>).</strong><br /><br />\n");
if ($pages = $this->LoadAll($str_q1.$str_q2)) {
if ($orderbyalpha) {
foreach ($pages as $page) {
if ($last_tag != $page["tag"]) {
$last_tag = $page["tag"];
$firstChar = strtoupper($page["tag"][0]);
if (!preg_match("/[A-Z]/", $firstChar)) {
$firstChar = "#";
print_edit($last,$firstChar,$page["tag"],$page["pdate"]." ".$page["ptime"]);
} else {
foreach($pages as $page) {
if ($last_tag != $page["tag"]) {
$last_tag = $page["tag"];
} else {
print("<em>No pages found.</em>");
} else {
print("<em>You're not logged in, thus the list of pages you've edited couldn't be retrieved.</em>");
For a comparison of the both versions see [[ TimosChanges]]. That page uses the above code, but statically assumes TimoK as user, no matter if you are logged in or not.
Thanks to JavaWoman who helped me a lot tonight with questions and ideas. Without you I couldn't have done this.
The above code seems stable, safe and fast (225 out of ~260 rows fetched in 0.07 seconds compared to 0.25 seconds with the old code), but it's 1:35AM as I am writing this, so I would be happy if some others could test it on their own wikkas and let me know if there are any problems.

Revision [16768]

Edited on 2007-05-31 10:45:46 by XglP2s [Reverted]
print("   (".$page["time"].") (".$this->Link($page["tag"], "revisions", "history", 0).") ".$this->Link($page["tag"], "", "", 0)."<br />\n");

if ($my_edits_count == 0)
print("<em>You have not edited any pages yet.</em>");
print("<em>No pages found.</em>");
print("<strong>This is a list of pages you've edited, ordered by the time of your last change (<a href=\"".$this->href("", $tag, "alphabetically=1")."\">order alphabetically</a>).</strong><br /><br />\n");
if ($pages = $this->LoadAll("SELECT tag, time FROM ".$this->config["table_prefix"]."pages WHERE user = '".mysql_real_escape_string($this->GetUserName())."' ORDER BY time ASC, tag ASC"))
$edited_pages[$page["tag"]] = $page["time"];
$edited_pages = array_reverse($edited_pages);
foreach ($edited_pages as $page["tag"] => $page["time"])
// day header
list($day, $time) = explode(" ", $page["time"]);
if ($day != $curday)
if ($curday) print("<br />\n");
print("<strong>$day:</strong><br />\n");
$curday = $day;
// print entry
print("   ($time) (".$this->Link($page["tag"], "revisions", "history", 0).") ".$this->Link($page["tag"], "", "", 0)."<br />\n");

if ($my_edits_count == 0)
print("<em>You have not edited any pages yet.</em>");
print("<em>No pages found.</em>");
print("<em>You're not logged in, thus the list of pages you've edited couldn't be retrieved.</em>");
The above code doesn't sort the pages properly when sorting by time.
I have re-coded the action like this:
// re-coded by Timo Kissing
// Thanks a lot to JavaWoman for the help!
if(!function_exists("print_edit")) {
function print_edit(&$last, &$current, &$tag, $time) {
if ($current != $last) {
if ($last) {
print("<br />\n");
print("<strong>$current</strong><br />\n");
$last = $current;
$rev_link = "<a href='".$baseurl.$tag."/revisions'>history</a>";
$page_link ="<a href='".$baseurl.$tag."'>".$tag."</a>";
print("  (".$time.") (".$rev_link.") ".$page_link."<br />\n");
if ($this->GetUser()) {
$user = $this->GetUserName();
global $baseurl;
$baseurl = $this->config["base_url"];
$str_q1 = "SELECT DATE_FORMAT(time,'%Y-%m-%d') as pdate, ";
$str_q1.= "DATE_FORMAT(time,'%H:%i:%s') as ptime, ";
$str_q1.= "tag FROM ". $this->config["table_prefix"];
$str_q1.= "pages WHERE user = '". mysql_real_escape_string($user);
if ($_REQUEST["alphabetically"] == "1") {
$orderbyalpha = TRUE;
} elseif ($_REQUEST["alphabetically"] == "0") {
$orderbyalpha = FALSE;
} elseif (is_string($vars["sorting"])) {
if ($vars["sorting"] == "alpha" || $vars["sorting"] == "alphabetically") {
$orderbyalpha = TRUE;
} else {
$orderbyalpha = FALSE;
if ($orderbyalpha) {
$str_sorting = " along with the time of your last change ";
$str_linktxt = "order by date";
$str_linkpar = "alphabetically=0";
$str_q2 = "' ORDER BY tag ASC, time DESC";
} else {
$str_sorting = " ordered by the time of your last change ";
$str_linktxt = "order alphabetically";
$str_linkpar = "alphabetically=1";
$str_q2 = "' ORDER BY pdate DESC, tag ASC, ptime DESC";
print("<strong>This is a list of pages you've edited,");
print($str_sorting."(<a href='".$this->href("", $tag, $str_linkpar));
print("'>".$str_linktxt."</a>).</strong><br /><br />\n");
if ($pages = $this->LoadAll($str_q1.$str_q2)) {
if ($orderbyalpha) {
foreach ($pages as $page) {
if ($last_tag != $page["tag"]) {
$last_tag = $page["tag"];
$firstChar = strtoupper($page["tag"][0]);
if (!preg_match("/[A-Z]/", $firstChar)) {
$firstChar = "#";
print_edit($last,$firstChar,$page["tag"],$page["pdate"]." ".$page["ptime"]);
} else {
foreach($pages as $page) {
if ($last_tag != $page["tag"]) {
$last_tag = $page["tag"];
} else {
print("<em>No pages found.</em>");
} else {
print("<em>You're not logged in, thus the list of pages you've edited couldn't be retrieved.</em>");
For a comparison of the both versions see [[ TimosChanges]]. That page uses the above code, but statically assumes TimoK as user, no matter if you are logged in or not.
Thanks to JavaWoman who helped me a lot tonight with questions and ideas. Without you I couldn't have done this.
The above code seems stable, safe and fast (225 out of ~260 rows fetched in 0.07 seconds compared to 0.25 seconds with the old code), but it's 1:35AM as I am writing this, so I would be happy if some others could test it on their own wikkas and let me know if there are any problems.

Revision [7134]

Edited on 2005-04-06 23:43:44 by TimoK [Lots of optimization on the code done]
// Thanks a lot to JavaWoman for the help!
function print_edit(&$last, &$current, &$tag, $time) {
if ($current != $last) {
$rev_link = "<a href='".$baseurl.$tag."/revisions'>history</a>";
$page_link ="<a href='".$baseurl.$tag."'>".$tag."</a>";
$user = $this->GetUserName();
global $baseurl;
$baseurl = $this->config["base_url"];
$str_q1 = "SELECT DATE_FORMAT(time,'%Y-%m-%d') as pdate, ";
$str_q1.= "DATE_FORMAT(time,'%H:%i:%s') as ptime, ";
$str_q1.= "tag FROM ". $this->config["table_prefix"];
$str_q1.= "pages WHERE user = '". mysql_real_escape_string($user);
if ($_REQUEST["alphabetically"] == "1") {
} elseif ($_REQUEST["alphabetically"] == "0") {
} elseif (is_string($vars["sorting"])) {
if ($vars["sorting"] == "alpha" || $vars["sorting"] == "alphabetically") {
$str_q2 = "' ORDER BY tag ASC, time DESC";
$str_q2 = "' ORDER BY pdate DESC, tag ASC, ptime DESC";
if ($pages = $this->LoadAll($str_q1.$str_q2)) {
print_edit($last,$firstChar,$page["tag"],$page["pdate"]." ".$page["ptime"]);
foreach($pages as $page) {
For a comparison of the both versions see [[ TimosChanges]]. That page uses the above code, but statically assumes TimoK as user, no matter if you are logged in or not.
Thanks to JavaWoman who helped me a lot tonight with questions and ideas. Without you I couldn't have done this.
The above code seems stable, safe and fast (225 out of ~260 rows fetched in 0.07 seconds compared to 0.25 seconds with the old code), but it's 1:35AM as I am writing this, so I would be happy if some others could test it on their own wikkas and let me know if there are any problems.
function print_edit(&$last, &$current, &$edit_count, $tag, $time) {
global $wakka;
if ($current != $last) {
$rev_link = $wakka->Link($tag, "revisions", "history", 0);
$page_link = $wakka->Link($tag, "", "", 0);
$edit_count = 0;
$str_query = "SELECT tag, time FROM ". $this->config["table_prefix"];
$str_query.= "pages WHERE user = '". mysql_real_escape_string($user);
if ($_REQUEST["alphabetically"] == 1) {
} elseif(is_string($vars["sorting"]) && $_REQUEST["alphabetically"] != 0) {
if($vars["sorting"] == "alpha" || $vars["sorting"] == "alphabetically") {
$str_query .= "' ORDER BY tag ASC, time DESC";
$str_query .= "' ORDER BY time ASC";
if ($pages = $this->LoadAll($str_query)) {
$edited_pages[$page["tag"]] = $page["time"];
$sorted_pages = array();
foreach ($edited_pages as $pagetag => $pagetime) {
list($day, $time) = explode(" ", $pagetime);
array_push($sorted_pages,array("tag" => $pagetag, "day" => $day,"time" => $time));
foreach ($sorted_pages as $key => $row) {
$days[$key] = $row['day'];
$tags[$key] = $row['tag'];
array_multisort($days, SORT_DESC, $tags, SORT_ASC, $sorted_pages);
foreach($sorted_pages as $page) {
if ($edit_count == 0) {
print("<em>You have not edited any pages yet.</em>");
For a comparison of the both versions see [[ TimosChanges]].

Revision [7117]

Edited on 2005-04-05 10:54:29 by TimoK [Quick (dirty) fix for "Can't redeclare already declared function" error]
if(!function_exists("print_edit")) {
function print_edit(&$last, &$current, &$edit_count, $tag, $time) {
global $wakka;
if ($current != $last) {
if ($last) {
print("<br />\n");
print("<strong>$current</strong><br />\n");
$last = $current;
$rev_link = $wakka->Link($tag, "revisions", "history", 0);
$page_link = $wakka->Link($tag, "", "", 0);
print("  (".$time.") (".$rev_link.") ".$page_link."<br />\n");
function print_edit(&$last, &$current, &$edit_count, $tag, $time) {
global $wakka;
if ($current != $last) {
if ($last) {
print("<br />\n");
print("<strong>$current</strong><br />\n");
$last = $current;
$rev_link = $wakka->Link($tag, "revisions", "history", 0);
$page_link = $wakka->Link($tag, "", "", 0);
print("  (".$time.") (".$rev_link.") ".$page_link."<br />\n");

Revision [7115]

Edited on 2005-04-05 10:38:47 by TimoK [Added alphabetical sorting inside the per-day-listing when sorting by date]
$sorted_pages = array();
foreach ($edited_pages as $pagetag => $pagetime) {
list($day, $time) = explode(" ", $pagetime);
array_push($sorted_pages,array("tag" => $pagetag, "day" => $day,"time" => $time));
foreach ($sorted_pages as $key => $row) {
$days[$key] = $row['day'];
$tags[$key] = $row['tag'];
array_multisort($days, SORT_DESC, $tags, SORT_ASC, $sorted_pages);
foreach($sorted_pages as $page) {
foreach ($edited_pages as $pagetag => $pagetime) {
list($day, $time) = explode(" ", $pagetime);

Revision [7071]

Edited on 2005-04-02 01:16:40 by TimoK [Proposal of a re-code]
=====My Changes Action=====

>>==See also:==
Documentation: MyChangesActionInfo.>>This is the development page for the my changes action.::c::

The php code:

// actions/mychanges.php
// written by Carlo Zottmann

if ($user = $this->GetUser())
$my_edits_count = 0;

if ($_REQUEST["alphabetically"] == 1)
print("<strong>This is a list of pages you've edited, along with the time of your last change (<a href=\"".$this->href("", $tag)."\">order by date</a>).</strong><br /><br />\n");

if ($pages = $this->LoadAll("SELECT tag, time FROM ".$this->config["table_prefix"]."pages WHERE user = '".mysql_real_escape_string($this->GetUserName())."' ORDER BY tag ASC, time DESC"))
foreach ($pages as $page)
if ($last_tag != $page["tag"]) {
$last_tag = $page["tag"];
$firstChar = strtoupper($page["tag"][0]);
if (!preg_match("/[A-Z,a-z]/", $firstChar)) {
$firstChar = "#";

if ($firstChar != $curChar) {
if ($curChar) print("<br />\n");
print("<strong>$firstChar</strong><br />\n");
$curChar = $firstChar;

// print entry
print("   (".$page["time"].") (".$this->Link($page["tag"], "revisions", "history", 0).") ".$this->Link($page["tag"], "", "", 0)."<br />\n");


if ($my_edits_count == 0)
print("<em>You have not edited any pages yet.</em>");
print("<em>No pages found.</em>");
print("<strong>This is a list of pages you've edited, ordered by the time of your last change (<a href=\"".$this->href("", $tag, "alphabetically=1")."\">order alphabetically</a>).</strong><br /><br />\n");

if ($pages = $this->LoadAll("SELECT tag, time FROM ".$this->config["table_prefix"]."pages WHERE user = '".mysql_real_escape_string($this->GetUserName())."' ORDER BY time ASC, tag ASC"))
foreach ($pages as $page)
$edited_pages[$page["tag"]] = $page["time"];

$edited_pages = array_reverse($edited_pages);

foreach ($edited_pages as $page["tag"] => $page["time"])
// day header
list($day, $time) = explode(" ", $page["time"]);
if ($day != $curday)
if ($curday) print("<br />\n");
print("<strong>$day:</strong><br />\n");
$curday = $day;

// print entry
print("   ($time) (".$this->Link($page["tag"], "revisions", "history", 0).") ".$this->Link($page["tag"], "", "", 0)."<br />\n");


if ($my_edits_count == 0)
print("<em>You have not edited any pages yet.</em>");
print("<em>No pages found.</em>");
print("<em>You're not logged in, thus the list of pages you've edited couldn't be retrieved.</em>");


The above code doesn't sort the pages properly when sorting by time.
I have re-coded the action like this:


// actions/mychanges.php
// written by Carlo Zottmann
// re-coded by Timo Kissing

function print_edit(&$last, &$current, &$edit_count, $tag, $time) {
global $wakka;
if ($current != $last) {
if ($last) {
print("<br />\n");
print("<strong>$current</strong><br />\n");
$last = $current;
$rev_link = $wakka->Link($tag, "revisions", "history", 0);
$page_link = $wakka->Link($tag, "", "", 0);
print("  (".$time.") (".$rev_link.") ".$page_link."<br />\n");

if ($this->GetUser()) {
$edit_count = 0;
$str_query = "SELECT tag, time FROM ". $this->config["table_prefix"];
$str_query.= "pages WHERE user = '". mysql_real_escape_string($user);

if ($_REQUEST["alphabetically"] == 1) {
$orderbyalpha = TRUE;
} elseif(is_string($vars["sorting"]) && $_REQUEST["alphabetically"] != 0) {
if($vars["sorting"] == "alpha" || $vars["sorting"] == "alphabetically") {
$orderbyalpha = TRUE;
} else {
$orderbyalpha = FALSE;

if ($orderbyalpha) {
$str_sorting = " along with the time of your last change ";
$str_linktxt = "order by date";
$str_linkpar = "alphabetically=0";
$str_query .= "' ORDER BY tag ASC, time DESC";
} else {
$str_sorting = " ordered by the time of your last change ";
$str_linktxt = "order alphabetically";
$str_linkpar = "alphabetically=1";
$str_query .= "' ORDER BY time ASC";

print("<strong>This is a list of pages you've edited,");
print($str_sorting."(<a href='".$this->href("", $tag, $str_linkpar));
print("'>".$str_linktxt."</a>).</strong><br /><br />\n");

if ($pages = $this->LoadAll($str_query)) {
if ($orderbyalpha) {
foreach ($pages as $page) {
if ($last_tag != $page["tag"]) {
$last_tag = $page["tag"];
$firstChar = strtoupper($page["tag"][0]);
if (!preg_match("/[A-Z]/", $firstChar)) {
$firstChar = "#";
} else {
foreach ($pages as $page) {
$edited_pages[$page["tag"]] = $page["time"];
foreach ($edited_pages as $pagetag => $pagetime) {
list($day, $time) = explode(" ", $pagetime);
if ($edit_count == 0) {
print("<em>You have not edited any pages yet.</em>");
} else {
print("<em>No pages found.</em>");
} else {
print("<em>You're not logged in, thus the list of pages you've edited couldn't be retrieved.</em>");


For a comparison of the both versions see [[ TimosChanges]].

=====Abbreviation Action=====

>>==See also:==
Documentation: AbbreviationActionInfo.>>This is the development page for the abbreviation action.::c::

The php code:
* Create a <abbr> or <acronym> link.
* Usage: {{abbr type="acronym" short="IMHO" long="In My Humble Opinion"}}
* @package Actions
* @subpackage
* @name abbr
* @author {@link Christian Barthelemy} - original idea and code.
* @version 0.1
* @since Not (yet?) part of offical Wikka release
* @input string $type optional: the type of abbreviation
* default is abbr any other value means acronym - will be used as the html tag and as the name of the class too
* @input string $short required: the short writting that needs to be explained
* @input string $long optional: the long text to explain the meaning of the short one
* default is empty - it assumes that it has been previously provided in the same page
* @todo Nothing I can think about for now.

// set defaults
$type = "abbr";
$output = "";

// ***** PARAMETERS Interface *****
$uType = $vars['type'];
if ($uType) $type = "acronym";

$uShort = $vars['short'];
if ($uShort) $short = $uShort;

$uLong = $vars['long'];
if ($uLong) $long = $uLong;
// ***** end PARAMETERS Interface *****

// ***** HTML code generation *****
// if short parameter hasn't been provided nothing is done
if ($short) {
$output="<".$type." class=\"".$type."\" ";
if ($long) {$output.="TITLE=\"".$long."\">";}
// ***** end HTML code generation *****
print $output;

The added css (example):
.abbr {
color: red;
cursor: hand;

.acronym {
color: red;
cursor: hand;

Revision [7070]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2005-04-02 00:38:55 by TimoK [Proposal of a re-code]
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