Revisions for MyChangesAction
[23443] 2016-05-20 07:38:48 by BrianKoontz [Replaces old-style internal links with new pipe-split links.]
[21028] 2010-02-11 22:18:28 by BrianKoontz [Updated to reflect inclusion in 1.2]
[19193] 2008-01-28 00:14:43 by TimoK [Modified links pointing to docs server]
[16969] 2007-05-31 23:27:31 by TimoK [Reverted]
[16768] 2007-05-31 10:45:46 by XglP2s
[7134] 2005-04-06 23:43:44 by TimoK [Lots of optimization on the code done]
[7117] 2005-04-05 10:54:29 by TimoK [Quick (dirty) fix for "Can't redeclare already declared function" error]
[7115] 2005-04-05 10:38:47 by TimoK [Added alphabetical sorting inside the per-day-listing when sorting by date]
[7071] 2005-04-02 01:16:40 by TimoK [Proposal of a re-code]
[7070] 2005-04-02 00:38:55 by TimoK [Cloned from AbbreviationAction]
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