Revision history for PageAndCategoryDivisionInACategory

Revision [22712]

Last edited on 2016-03-31 23:03:37 by MasinAlDujaili [fixed bug]
ON from_tag = tag
ON from_tag = tag
ON to_tag = tag
ON to_tag = tag

Revision [22711]

Edited on 2016-03-31 19:57:18 by MasinAlDujaili [Update for 1.3.6]
>>Working for 1.3.6 (latest)>>''03/31/2016:version 2.1 (see below).''
==3. Plugin this in plugins/actions/category/category.php==
* Shows the pages and subcategories belonging to a category.
* See WikiCategory to understand how the system works.
* @package Actions
* @version $Id$
* @input string $page optional: the category for which you want to display the pages and categories. Default: current page
* @input integer $compact optional: 0 produces a columnar layout with a layout table; 1 produces output in the form of an unordered list. Default: 0
* @input integer $col optional: number of columns (for compact=0). Default: 1
* @output A html table with pages
* @uses Wakka::GetPageTag();
* @uses Wakka::ListPages()
* @uses Wakka::LoadPagesLinkingTo()
* @license GNU General Public License
* @filesource
require_once 'libs/showarray.php'; #the two functions showing the output in a list/ in columns
# 'col' option
$col = 1;
$col = $this->htmlspecialchars_ent($vars['col']);
# 'compact' option
$compact = 0;
$compact = $this->htmlspecialchars_ent($vars['compact']);
# 'class' option
$class = 0;
$class = $this->htmlspecialchars_ent($vars['class']);
# 'sort' option
$sort = 'ASC';
$val_sort = strtoupper($this->htmlspecialchars_ent($vars['sort']));
if(in_array($val_sort, ['ASC','DESC'])) $sort = $val_sort;
# 'inctpl' option
$inctpl = FALSE;
$inctpl = TRUE;
# 'show' option
$show = 'all';
$val_show = $this->htmlspecialchars_ent($vars['class']);
if(in_array($val_show, ['all','pages','categories'])) $show = $val_show;
# 'page' option
$page = $this->htmlspecialchars_ent($vars['page']);
#232 : if page is not given, and if this action is called from an included page, use the name of the page that is included
# and not the caller's PageTag.
if (isset($this->config['includes']) && is_array($this->GetConfigValue('includes')))
$count = count($this->GetConfigValue('includes')) - 1;
$page = $this->config['includes'][$count];
echo $page.":"; print_r($this->config['includes']);
if ($page=="/") $page="CategoryCategory";
if (!$inctpl && preg_match('/Template$/',$page))
if (!preg_match('/^Category/',$page)) $page = 'CategoryCategory'; # exception for a category that contains templates
if ($show == 'all' || $show == 'categories')
$categorySearchphrase = "
SELECT tag AS page_tag
FROM ".$this->GetConfigValue('table_prefix')."links
INNER JOIN ".$this->GetConfigValue('table_prefix')."pages
ON to_tag = tag
AND latest = 'Y'
AND body LIKE '%[[(cat)".$page."]]%'
AND body LIKE '%{{category%'
ORDER BY tag ".strtoupper($sort);
$results = $this->LoadAll($categorySearchphrase);
// filter what we show AS content of the requested category
if($keys = array_keys(array_column($results, 'page_tag'), ['CategoryCategory', $page]))
foreach($keys as $key) unset($results[$key]);
$errmsg = '<em>'.sprintf(T_("No categories found for %s"), $page).'</em>';
$list_pages_option = array(
'nopagesText' => $errmsg,
'class' => $class,
'columns' => $col,
'sort' => 'no',
'compact' => $compact
$str = $this->ListPages($results, $list_pages_option);
if ($str != $errmsg)
if(1 < count($results))
printf(T_("The following %d categories belong to %s").'<br /><br />', count($results), $page);
printf(T_("The following category belongs to %s").'<br /><br />', $page);
if ($show == 'all') print('<br /><br />');
if ($show == 'all' || $show == 'categories')
$categorySearchphrase = "
SELECT tag AS page_tag
FROM ".$this->GetConfigValue('table_prefix')."links
INNER JOIN ".$this->GetConfigValue('table_prefix')."pages
ON to_tag = tag
AND latest = 'Y'
AND body LIKE '%[[(cat)".$page."]]%'
AND body NOT LIKE '%{{category%'
ORDER BY tag ".strtoupper($sort);
$results = $this->LoadAll($categorySearchphrase);
// filter what we show AS content of the requested category
if($keys = array_keys(array_column($results, 'page_tag'), ['CategoryCategory', $page]))
foreach($keys as $key) unset($results[$key]);
$errmsg = '<em>'.sprintf(T_("No pages found for %s"), $page).'</em>';
$list_pages_option = array(
'nopagesText' => $errmsg,
'class' => $class,
'columns' => $col,
'sort' => 'no',
'compact' => $compact
$str = $this->ListPages($results, $list_pages_option);
if ($str != $errmsg)
if(1 < count($results))
printf(T_("The following %d pages belong to %s").'<br /><br />', count($results), $page);
printf(T_("The following page belongs to %s").'<br /><br />', $page);
====Older Versions====

Revision [19996]

Edited on 2008-06-04 03:56:56 by MasinAlDujaili [working versions]
>>Working for to (latest)>>''04/04/2005:version 2.0 (see below).''
// forced links
// \S : any character that is not a whitespace character
// \s : any whitespace character
//links to category pages
else if (preg_match("/^\[\[\(cat\)(\S+)(\s(.+))*\]\]$/si", $thing, $matches))
list(, $categorylink, $text) = $matches;
if ($categorylink)
if (!$help) $help = $categorylink;
return $result.$wakka->Link($categorylink, "", $text);
return "";
switch ($param)
case 'inctpl':
if ($value) $lIncTpl = TRUE;
case 'page':
if ($this->existsPage($value)) $lPage = $value;
case 'col':
if ($value === (string)(int)$value && (int)$value > 0) $lCol = (int)$value;
case 'compact':
if ($value) $lCompact = TRUE;
case 'class':
if ('' != $value) $lClass = $value;
case 'show':
if ($value == 'pages' || $value == 'categories') $lShow = $value;
$categorylist = array();
// filter what we show AS content of the requested category
foreach ($categoryresults as $ccategory)
// do not list top-level category as member
if ('CategoryCategory' == $ccategory['tag'])
// do not list requested category as member
if ($ccategory['tag'] == $lPage)
// we have a valid result: add to the list
if ($lCompact)
$categorylist[] = $this->Link($ccategory['tag'],'',preg_replace( "/Category/", "",$ccategory['tag']));
$categorylist[] = $this->Link($ccategory['tag'],'',preg_replace( "/Category/", "",$ccategory['tag']));
// make simple list (useful for sidebar)
if ($lCompact)
$lOutput .= ShowArrayAsList($categorylist,$lClass);
// make columnar overview (useful for category pages)
$categorycount = count($categorylist);
$lOutput .= 'The following '.$categorycount.' categories belong to '.$lPage.':<br /><br />'."\n"; #i18n
$lOutput .= ShowArrayInColumns($categorylist, $lCol, $lClass);
$lOutput .= 'No categories found for '.$lPage.".\n"; #i18n
$pagelist = array();
// filter what we show AS content of the requested category
foreach ($pageresults as $cpage)
// do not list requested category as member
if ($cpage['tag'] == $lPage)
// unless inctpl is set, do not list template pages
elseif (!$lIncTpl && preg_match('/Template$/', $cpage['tag']))
// we have a valid result: add to the list
if ($lCompact)
$pagelist[] = $this->Link($cpage['tag'],'',$cpage['tag']);
$pagelist[] = $this->Link($cpage['tag']);
// make simple list (useful for sidebar)
if ($lCompact)
$lOutput .= ShowArrayAsList($pagelist,$lClass);
// make columnar overview (useful for category pages)
$pagecount = count($pagelist);
$lOutput .= 'The following '.$pagecount.' pages belong to '.$lPage.':<br /><br />'."\n"; #i18n
$lOutput .= ShowArrayInColumns($pagelist, $lCol, $lClass);
$lOutput .= 'No pages found for '.$lPage.".\n"; #i18n
''04/04/2005:version 2.0 (see below).''
// forced links
// \S : any character that is not a whitespace character
// \s : any whitespace character
//links to category pages
else if (preg_match("/^\[\[\(cat\)(\S+)(\s(.+))*\]\]$/si", $thing, $matches))
list(, $categorylink, $text) = $matches;
if ($categorylink)
if (!$help) $help = $categorylink;
return $result.$wakka->Link($categorylink, "", $text);
return "";
switch ($param)
case 'inctpl':
if ($value) $lIncTpl = TRUE;
case 'page':
if ($this->existsPage($value)) $lPage = $value;
case 'col':
if ($value === (string)(int)$value && (int)$value > 0) $lCol = (int)$value;
case 'compact':
if ($value) $lCompact = TRUE;
case 'class':
if ('' != $value) $lClass = $value;
case 'show':
if ($value == 'pages' || $value == 'categories') $lShow = $value;
$categorylist = array();
// filter what we show AS content of the requested category
foreach ($categoryresults as $ccategory)
// do not list top-level category as member
if ('CategoryCategory' == $ccategory['tag'])
// do not list requested category as member
if ($ccategory['tag'] == $lPage)
// we have a valid result: add to the list
if ($lCompact)
$categorylist[] = $this->Link($ccategory['tag'],'',preg_replace( "/Category/", "",$ccategory['tag']));
$categorylist[] = $this->Link($ccategory['tag'],'',preg_replace( "/Category/", "",$ccategory['tag']));
// make simple list (useful for sidebar)
if ($lCompact)
$lOutput .= ShowArrayAsList($categorylist,$lClass);
// make columnar overview (useful for category pages)
$categorycount = count($categorylist);
$lOutput .= 'The following '.$categorycount.' categories belong to '.$lPage.':<br /><br />'."\n"; #i18n
$lOutput .= ShowArrayInColumns($categorylist, $lCol, $lClass);
$lOutput .= 'No categories found for '.$lPage.".\n"; #i18n
$pagelist = array();
// filter what we show AS content of the requested category
foreach ($pageresults as $cpage)
// do not list requested category as member
if ($cpage['tag'] == $lPage)
// unless inctpl is set, do not list template pages
elseif (!$lIncTpl && preg_match('/Template$/', $cpage['tag']))
// we have a valid result: add to the list
if ($lCompact)
$pagelist[] = $this->Link($cpage['tag'],'',$cpage['tag']);
$pagelist[] = $this->Link($cpage['tag']);
// make simple list (useful for sidebar)
if ($lCompact)
$lOutput .= ShowArrayAsList($pagelist,$lClass);
// make columnar overview (useful for category pages)
$pagecount = count($pagelist);
$lOutput .= 'The following '.$pagecount.' pages belong to '.$lPage.':<br /><br />'."\n"; #i18n
$lOutput .= ShowArrayInColumns($pagelist, $lCol, $lClass);
$lOutput .= 'No pages found for '.$lPage.".\n"; #i18n

Revision [19200]

Edited on 2008-01-28 00:14:43 by JavaWoman [Modified links pointing to docs server]

No Differences

Revision [16976]

Edited on 2007-05-31 23:27:32 by JavaWoman [Reverted]
// forced links
// \S : any character that is not a whitespace character
// \s : any whitespace character
//links to category pages
else if (preg_match("/^\[\[\(cat\)(\S+)(\s(.+))*\]\]$/si", $thing, $matches))
list(, $categorylink, $text) = $matches;
if ($categorylink)
if (!$help) $help = $categorylink;
return $result.$wakka->Link($categorylink, "", $text);
return "";
for ($i=0;$i<$colnumber;$i++)
for ($j=0;$j<$lines;$j++)
for ($i=0;$i<$entries;$i++)
switch ($param)
case 'inctpl':
if ($value) $lIncTpl = TRUE;
case 'page':
if ($this->existsPage($value)) $lPage = $value;
case 'col':
if ($value === (string)(int)$value && (int)$value > 0) $lCol = (int)$value;
case 'compact':
if ($value) $lCompact = TRUE;
case 'class':
if ('' != $value) $lClass = $value;
case 'show':
if ($value == 'pages' || $value == 'categories') $lShow = $value;
// filter WHICH category we (may) show the content OF
if ($lPage == '/')
$lPage = 'CategoryCategory';
if (!$lIncTpl && preg_match('/Template$/',$lPage))
if (!preg_match('/^Category/',$lPage)) $lPage = 'CategoryCategory'; # exception for a category that contains templates
//searching for categories belonging to the requested category, if necessary, and preparing the output
if ($lShow == 'all' || $lShow == 'categories')
$lCategorySearchphrase = "SELECT tag FROM ".$this->config['table_prefix']."pages WHERE latest = 'Y' AND body LIKE '%[[(cat)".$lPage."%' AND body LIKE '%{{category%'";
$categoryresults = $this->LoadAll($lCategorySearchphrase);
//print_r($categoryresults); //DEBUG
if ($categoryresults)
$categorylist = array();
// filter what we show AS content of the requested category
foreach ($categoryresults as $ccategory)
// do not list top-level category as member
if ('CategoryCategory' == $ccategory['tag'])
// do not list requested category as member
if ($ccategory['tag'] == $lPage)
// we have a valid result: add to the list
if ($lCompact)
$categorylist[] = $this->Link($ccategory['tag'],'',preg_replace( "/Category/", "",$ccategory['tag']));
$categorylist[] = $this->Link($ccategory['tag'],'',preg_replace( "/Category/", "",$ccategory['tag']));
// make simple list (useful for sidebar)
if ($lCompact)
$lOutput .= ShowArrayAsList($categorylist,$lClass);
// make columnar overview (useful for category pages)
$categorycount = count($categorylist);
$lOutput .= 'The following '.$categorycount.' categories belong to '.$lPage.':<br /><br />'."\n"; #i18n
$lOutput .= ShowArrayInColumns($categorylist, $lCol, $lClass);
$lOutput .= 'No categories found for '.$lPage.".\n"; #i18n
//if necessary, a division between the categories and the pages
if ($lShow == 'all') $lOutput .= '<br /><br />';
//searching for pages belonging to the requested category, if necessary, and preparing the output
if ($lShow == 'all' || $lShow == 'pages')
$lPageSearchphrase = "SELECT tag FROM ".$this->config['table_prefix']."pages WHERE latest = 'Y' and body LIKE '%[[(cat)".$lPage."%' AND body NOT LIKE '%{{category%'";
$pageresults = $this->LoadAll($lPageSearchphrase);
//print_r($pageresults); //DEBUG
if ($pageresults)
$pagelist = array();
// filter what we show AS content of the requested category
foreach ($pageresults as $cpage)
// do not list requested category as member
if ($cpage['tag'] == $lPage)
// unless inctpl is set, do not list template pages
elseif (!$lIncTpl && preg_match('/Template$/', $cpage['tag']))
// we have a valid result: add to the list
if ($lCompact)
$pagelist[] = $this->Link($cpage['tag'],'',$cpage['tag']);
$pagelist[] = $this->Link($cpage['tag']);
// make simple list (useful for sidebar)
if ($lCompact)
$lOutput .= ShowArrayAsList($pagelist,$lClass);
// make columnar overview (useful for category pages)
$pagecount = count($pagelist);
$lOutput .= 'The following '.$pagecount.' pages belong to '.$lPage.':<br /><br />'."\n"; #i18n
$lOutput .= ShowArrayInColumns($pagelist, $lCol, $lClass);
$lOutput .= 'No pages found for '.$lPage.".\n"; #i18n
echo $lOutput;
// forced links
// \S : any character that is not a whitespace character
// \s : any whitespace character
//links to category pages
else if (preg_match("/^\[\[\(cat\)(\S )(\s(. ))*\]\]$/si", $thing, $matches))
list(, $categorylink, $text) = $matches;
if ($categorylink)
if (!$help) $help = $categorylink;
return $result.$wakka->Link($categorylink, "", $text);
return "";
$lines ;
for ($i=0;$i<$colnumber;$i )
for ($j=0;$j<$lines;$j )
$a ;
$a ;
for ($i=0;$i<$entries;$i )
switch ($param)
case 'inctpl':
if ($value) $lIncTpl = TRUE;
case 'page':
if ($this->existsPage($value)) $lPage = $value;
case 'col':
if ($value === (string)(int)$value

Revision [16775]

Edited on 2007-05-31 10:46:50 by LgxFvh [Reverted]
// forced links
// \S : any character that is not a whitespace character
// \s : any whitespace character
//links to category pages
else if (preg_match("/^\[\[\(cat\)(\S )(\s(. ))*\]\]$/si", $thing, $matches))
list(, $categorylink, $text) = $matches;
if ($categorylink)
if (!$help) $help = $categorylink;
return $result.$wakka->Link($categorylink, "", $text);
return "";
$lines ;
for ($i=0;$i<$colnumber;$i )
for ($j=0;$j<$lines;$j )
$a ;
$a ;
for ($i=0;$i<$entries;$i )
switch ($param)
case 'inctpl':
if ($value) $lIncTpl = TRUE;
case 'page':
if ($this->existsPage($value)) $lPage = $value;
case 'col':
if ($value === (string)(int)$value
// forced links
// \S : any character that is not a whitespace character
// \s : any whitespace character
//links to category pages
else if (preg_match("/^\[\[\(cat\)(\S+)(\s(.+))*\]\]$/si", $thing, $matches))
list(, $categorylink, $text) = $matches;
if ($categorylink)
if (!$help) $help = $categorylink;
return $result.$wakka->Link($categorylink, "", $text);
return "";
for ($i=0;$i<$colnumber;$i++)
for ($j=0;$j<$lines;$j++)
for ($i=0;$i<$entries;$i++)
switch ($param)
case 'inctpl':
if ($value) $lIncTpl = TRUE;
case 'page':
if ($this->existsPage($value)) $lPage = $value;
case 'col':
if ($value === (string)(int)$value && (int)$value > 0) $lCol = (int)$value;
case 'compact':
if ($value) $lCompact = TRUE;
case 'class':
if ('' != $value) $lClass = $value;
case 'show':
if ($value == 'pages' || $value == 'categories') $lShow = $value;
// filter WHICH category we (may) show the content OF
if ($lPage == '/')
$lPage = 'CategoryCategory';
if (!$lIncTpl && preg_match('/Template$/',$lPage))
if (!preg_match('/^Category/',$lPage)) $lPage = 'CategoryCategory'; # exception for a category that contains templates
//searching for categories belonging to the requested category, if necessary, and preparing the output
if ($lShow == 'all' || $lShow == 'categories')
$lCategorySearchphrase = "SELECT tag FROM ".$this->config['table_prefix']."pages WHERE latest = 'Y' AND body LIKE '%[[(cat)".$lPage."%' AND body LIKE '%{{category%'";
$categoryresults = $this->LoadAll($lCategorySearchphrase);
//print_r($categoryresults); //DEBUG
if ($categoryresults)
$categorylist = array();
// filter what we show AS content of the requested category
foreach ($categoryresults as $ccategory)
// do not list top-level category as member
if ('CategoryCategory' == $ccategory['tag'])
// do not list requested category as member
if ($ccategory['tag'] == $lPage)
// we have a valid result: add to the list
if ($lCompact)
$categorylist[] = $this->Link($ccategory['tag'],'',preg_replace( "/Category/", "",$ccategory['tag']));
$categorylist[] = $this->Link($ccategory['tag'],'',preg_replace( "/Category/", "",$ccategory['tag']));
// make simple list (useful for sidebar)
if ($lCompact)
$lOutput .= ShowArrayAsList($categorylist,$lClass);
// make columnar overview (useful for category pages)
$categorycount = count($categorylist);
$lOutput .= 'The following '.$categorycount.' categories belong to '.$lPage.':<br /><br />'."\n"; #i18n
$lOutput .= ShowArrayInColumns($categorylist, $lCol, $lClass);
$lOutput .= 'No categories found for '.$lPage.".\n"; #i18n
//if necessary, a division between the categories and the pages
if ($lShow == 'all') $lOutput .= '<br /><br />';
//searching for pages belonging to the requested category, if necessary, and preparing the output
if ($lShow == 'all' || $lShow == 'pages')
$lPageSearchphrase = "SELECT tag FROM ".$this->config['table_prefix']."pages WHERE latest = 'Y' and body LIKE '%[[(cat)".$lPage."%' AND body NOT LIKE '%{{category%'";
$pageresults = $this->LoadAll($lPageSearchphrase);
//print_r($pageresults); //DEBUG
if ($pageresults)
$pagelist = array();
// filter what we show AS content of the requested category
foreach ($pageresults as $cpage)
// do not list requested category as member
if ($cpage['tag'] == $lPage)
// unless inctpl is set, do not list template pages
elseif (!$lIncTpl && preg_match('/Template$/', $cpage['tag']))
// we have a valid result: add to the list
if ($lCompact)
$pagelist[] = $this->Link($cpage['tag'],'',$cpage['tag']);
$pagelist[] = $this->Link($cpage['tag']);
// make simple list (useful for sidebar)
if ($lCompact)
$lOutput .= ShowArrayAsList($pagelist,$lClass);
// make columnar overview (useful for category pages)
$pagecount = count($pagelist);
$lOutput .= 'The following '.$pagecount.' pages belong to '.$lPage.':<br /><br />'."\n"; #i18n
$lOutput .= ShowArrayInColumns($pagelist, $lCol, $lClass);
$lOutput .= 'No pages found for '.$lPage.".\n"; #i18n
echo $lOutput;

Revision [8655]

Edited on 2005-05-29 09:07:52 by JavaWoman [move to subcategory]

Revision [8484]

Edited on 2005-05-26 05:02:04 by JavaWoman [minor fix]
if ($lShow == 'all') $lOutput .= '<br /><br />';
if ($lShow == all) $lOutput .= '<br /><br />';

Revision [7202]

Edited on 2005-04-11 17:03:02 by NilsLindenberg [small code-change]
else if (preg_match("/^\[\[\(cat\)(\S+)(\s(.+))*\]\]$/si", $thing, $matches))
else if (preg_match("/^\[\[\(cat\)(\S+)(\s(.+))*\]\]$/s", $thing, $matches))

Revision [7191]

Edited on 2005-04-11 10:53:30 by NilsLindenberg [code change (template-issue)]
- taking care of the "Category_Template" (have forgotten that)
elseif (!$lIncTpl && preg_match('/Template$/', $ccategory['tag']))
// if the requested category ($lPage) is a template category, we do list its contents;
// otherwise this must indeed be a template so we don't list it.
if ( ! (preg_match('/^Category.*?Template$/',$lPage) || preg_match('/^Category/',$cpage['tag'])) )
// if the requested category ($lPage) is a template category, we do list its contents;
// otherwise this must indeed be a template so we don't list it.
if ( ! preg_match('/^Category.*?Template$/',$lPage))

Revision [7114]

Edited on 2005-04-05 09:36:51 by JavaWoman [I am unique ;-)]
this version builds on the beta-version from JavaWoman (running on this wiki) and has in total the following cchanges to the official action:
this version builds on the beta-version from JavaWomen (running on this wiki) and has in total the following cchanges to the official action:

Revision [7092]

Edited on 2005-04-04 10:19:12 by NilsLindenberg [version 2.0]
''04/04/2005:version 2.0 (see below).''
this version builds on the beta-version from JavaWomen (running on this wiki) and has in total the following cchanges to the official action:
- pages belong to categories if you use the following markup: ""[[(cat)Name]]"". ""[[(cat)Name Alternative name for the link]]"" does work, too
- pages only need the category-action inside them, no more need for a name starting with "Category"
- template-pages , i.e. page-names ending with "template" are not shown, unless you force it or their name starts with "Category"
- output can be shown as a single list, or in a number of columns
- it is possible to show only (sub)"categories" or "pages" or "all" (both). In the last case, categories and pages are shown seperate and not in one list/column
- extra css-class for ""[[(cat)...""
- upgrade-script
- taking care of the "Category_Template" (have forgotten that)
- code redundancies into a function?
- making name for main-category customizable
- possibility to show the alternative name in the markup in the categorylist instead of the page-name??
- possibility to show the pages belonging to the subcategories, too? Which depth? Problem of recursion! What if a page belongs to a category and a subcategory?
- possible? use a single list also for columns, using CSS to visually split up into columns - JW 2005-01-19
- update the todo-list in the action ;-)
The new search-method uses two queries instead of one: one search for subcategories (searching for the category-action) and another for pages (searching for the new link version) belonging to a category (they only load the name, since we know from the search if its a category or not).
This allows any page to become a category, their names don't have to start with "Category" anymore. For this reason, i took the "forcecat" param out (if you put the action, for example, on the SandBox without "categorylinking" any page it will simply show that nothing could be found).
Three things have to be changed:
==1. addition to formatters/wakka.php==
right before
// forced links
// \S : any character that is not a whitespace character
// \s : any whitespace character
add the following:
//links to category pages
else if (preg_match("/^\[\[\(cat\)(\S+)(\s(.+))*\]\]$/s", $thing, $matches))
list(, $categorylink, $text) = $matches;
if ($categorylink)
if (!$help) $help = $categorylink;
return $result.$wakka->Link($categorylink, "", $text);
return "";
==2. library/common/showarray.php==
==3. Replacement of actions/category.php==
* If no category page is specified, the current page is assumed to be a category.
* {{category [inctpl="0|1"] [page="categoryname"] [col="n"] [compact="0|1"] [class="class"] [show="pages|categories|all"]}}
* @package Actions
* @subpackage SystemContent
* @name Category
* @author {@link JsnX}
* @author {@link JavaWoman} (rewrite with filtering and table-less columns)
* @author {@link NilsLindenberg} (seperation of categories, functions for output)
* @license GNU Lesser General Public License
* @since Wikka 1.0.0
* @version 2.0
* @input integer $inctpl optional: include "template" pages (1) or not (0); default: 0.
* @input integer $page optional: category to list members of; default: current page or CategoryCategory
* @input integer $col optional: number of columns for table; default: 1
* @input integer $compact optional: use table (0) or list (1); default: 0
* @input integer $class optional: class(es) to determine styling of the output list of table
* @input string $show optional: show "pages" "categories" or "all"; default: all
* @output list of categories and/or pages belonging to the specified or top-level category,
* formatted as a list or in columns
* @uses LoadAll()
* @todo - possible? use a single list also for columns, using CSS to visually split up into columns - JW 2005-01-19
require_once 'library/common/showarray.php'; #the two functions showing the output in a list/ in columns
$lShow = 'all'; # show pages and categories
$lOutput = ''; # the final output
if ($value == 'pages' || $value == 'categories') $lShow = $value;
if ($lPage == '/')
//searching for categories belonging to the requested category, if necessary, and preparing the output
if ($lShow == 'all' || $lShow == 'categories')
$lCategorySearchphrase = "SELECT tag FROM ".$this->config['table_prefix']."pages WHERE latest = 'Y' AND body LIKE '%[[(cat)".$lPage."%' AND body LIKE '%{{category%'";
$categoryresults = $this->LoadAll($lCategorySearchphrase);
//print_r($categoryresults); //DEBUG
if ($categoryresults)
$categorylist = array();
// filter what we show AS content of the requested category
foreach ($categoryresults as $ccategory)
// do not list top-level category as member
if ('CategoryCategory' == $ccategory['tag'])
// do not list requested category as member
if ($ccategory['tag'] == $lPage)
// unless inctpl is set, do not list template pages
elseif (!$lIncTpl && preg_match('/Template$/', $ccategory['tag']))
// if the requested category ($lPage) is a template category, we do list its contents;
// otherwise this must indeed be a template so we don't list it.
if ( ! (preg_match('/^Category.*?Template$/',$lPage) || preg_match('/^Category/',$cpage['tag'])) )
// we have a valid result: add to the list
if ($lCompact)
$categorylist[] = $this->Link($ccategory['tag'],'',preg_replace( "/Category/", "",$ccategory['tag']));
$categorylist[] = $this->Link($ccategory['tag'],'',preg_replace( "/Category/", "",$ccategory['tag']));
// make simple list (useful for sidebar)
if ($lCompact)
$lOutput .= ShowArrayAsList($categorylist,$lClass);
// make columnar overview (useful for category pages)
$categorycount = count($categorylist);
$lOutput .= 'The following '.$categorycount.' categories belong to '.$lPage.':<br /><br />'."\n"; #i18n
$lOutput .= ShowArrayInColumns($categorylist, $lCol, $lClass);
$lOutput .= 'No categories found for '.$lPage.".\n"; #i18n
//if necessary, a division between the categories and the pages
if ($lShow == all) $lOutput .= '<br /><br />';
//searching for pages belonging to the requested category, if necessary, and preparing the output
if ($lShow == 'all' || $lShow == 'pages')
$lPageSearchphrase = "SELECT tag FROM ".$this->config['table_prefix']."pages WHERE latest = 'Y' and body LIKE '%[[(cat)".$lPage."%' AND body NOT LIKE '%{{category%'";
$pageresults = $this->LoadAll($lPageSearchphrase);
//print_r($pageresults); //DEBUG
if ($pageresults)
$pagelist = array();
// filter what we show AS content of the requested category
foreach ($pageresults as $cpage)
// do not list requested category as member
if ($cpage['tag'] == $lPage)
// unless inctpl is set, do not list template pages
elseif (!$lIncTpl && preg_match('/Template$/', $cpage['tag']))
// if the requested category ($lPage) is a template category, we do list its contents;
// otherwise this must indeed be a template so we don't list it.
if ( ! preg_match('/^Category.*?Template$/',$lPage))
// we have a valid result: add to the list
if ($lCompact)
$pagelist[] = $this->Link($cpage['tag'],'',$cpage['tag']);
$pagelist[] = $this->Link($cpage['tag']);
// make simple list (useful for sidebar)
if ($lCompact)
$lOutput .= ShowArrayAsList($pagelist,$lClass);
// make columnar overview (useful for category pages)
$pagecount = count($pagelist);
$lOutput .= 'The following '.$pagecount.' pages belong to '.$lPage.':<br /><br />'."\n"; #i18n
$lOutput .= ShowArrayInColumns($pagelist, $lCol, $lClass);
$lOutput .= 'No pages found for '.$lPage.".\n"; #i18n
echo $lOutput;
''29/03/2005: small code change (building arrays only when needed and better organzation of the output).''
If you use the following code to replace your ##actions/category.php##, Categories are listed seperate from pages, and the first ones without the "Category" in front.
here's the code:
* If no category page is specified, the current page is assumed to be a category (unless filtered).
* Unless 'forcecat' is set to 0, only pages starting with 'Category' are considered to be Category
* pages and if this action is not on a category page, it will list the contents of
* CategoryCategory instead.
* {{category [forcecat="0|1"] [inctpl="0|1"] [page="categoryname"] [col="n"] [compact="0|1"] [class="class"] [show="pages|categories|all"]}}
* @package Actions
* @subpackage SystemContent
* @name Category
* @author {@link JsnX}
* @author {@link JavaWoman} (rewrite with filtering and table-less columns)
* @author {@link NilsLindenberg} (seperation of categories, functions for output)
* @license GNU Lesser General Public License
* @since Wikka 1.0.0
* @input integer $forcecat optional: consider only pages that start with 'Category' (1) or
* treat any name as category (0); default: 1
* @input integer $inctpl optional: include "template" pages (1) or not (0); default: 0.
* @input integer $page optional: category to list members of; default: current page or CategoryCategory
* @input integer $col optional: number of columns for table; default: 1
* @input integer $compact optional: use table (0) or list (1); default: 0
* @input integer $class optional: class(es) to determine styling of the output list of table
* @input string $show optional: show "pages" "categories" od "all"; default: all
* @output list of categories and/or pages belonging to the specified or top-level category,
* formatted as a list or in columns
* @uses CheckMySQLVersion()
* @uses FullCategoryTextSearch()
* @uses FullTextSearch()
* @todo - version dependency FullCategoryTextSearch/ FullTextSearch should be hidden inside call - JW 2005-01-21
* - possible? use a single list also for columns, using CSS to visually split up into columns - JW 2005-01-19
require_once 'library/common/showarray.php';
$lForceCat = TRUE; # only pages starting with 'Category' are considered category pages
$lshow = 'all'; # show pages and categories
$output = ''; # the final output
case 'forcecat':
if (!$value) $lForceCat = FALSE;
if ($value == 'pages' || $value == 'categories') $lshow = $value;
if ($lForceCat)
if (!preg_match('/^Category/',$lPage)) $lPage = 'CategoryCategory';
elseif ($lPage == '/')
// get the listed category pages
if ($this->CheckMySQLVersion(4,0,1))
$results = $this->FullCategoryTextSearch($lPage);
$results = $this->FullTextSearch($lPage);
// filter what we show AS content of the requested category
if ($results !== 0)
$pagelist = array();
$categorylist = array();
foreach ($results as $cpage)
// do not list top-level category as member
if ('CategoryCategory' == $cpage['tag'])
// do not list requested category as member
elseif ($cpage['tag'] == $lPage)
// unless inctpl is set, do not list template pages
elseif (!$lIncTpl && preg_match('/Template$/', $cpage['tag']))
// if the requested category ($lPage) is a template category, we do list its contents;
// while a page that starts with 'Category' is not (considered) a template, so we do list that as content;
// otherwise this must indeed be a template so we don't list it.
if ( ! (preg_match('/^Category.*?Template$/',$lPage) || preg_match('/^Category/',$cpage['tag'])) )
// we have a valid result: add to the list
if (preg_match('/^Category/', $cpage['tag']) && ($lshow == "all" || $lshow == "categories"))
if ($lCompact)
{$categorylist[] = $this->Link($cpage['tag'],'',preg_replace('/Category/','',$cpage['tag']));}
{$categorylist[] = $this->Link($cpage['tag']);}
else if (!preg_match('/^Category/', $cpage['tag']) && ($lshow == "all" || $lshow == "pages"))
if ($lCompact)
{$pagelist[] = $this->Link($cpage['tag'],'',$cpage['tag']);}
{$pagelist[] = $this->Link($cpage['tag']);}
else $output .= 'No items found for '.$lpage.".\n";
// show resulting list of categories belonging to category $lPage
if ($categorylist)
// make simple list (useful for sidebar)
if ($lCompact)
$output .= ShowArrayAsList($categorylist,$lClass);
// make columnar overview (useful for category pages)
$categorycount = count($categorylist);
$output .= 'The following '.$categorycount.' categories belong to '.$lPage.':<br /><br />'."\n";
$output .= ShowArrayInColumns($categorylist, $lCol, $lClass);
else if ($lshow == "all" || $lshow == "categories")
$output .= 'No categories found for '.$lPage.".\n";
if ($lshow == all) $output .= '<br><br>';
// show resulting list of pages belonging to category $lPage
if ($pagelist)
// make simple list (useful for sidebar)
if ($lCompact)
$output .= ShowArrayAsList($pagelist,$lClass);
// make columnar overview (useful for category pages)
$pagecount = count($pagelist);
$output .= 'The following '.$pagecount.' pages belong to '.$lPage.':<br /><br />'."\n";
$output .= ShowArrayInColumns($pagelist, $lCol, $lClass);
else if ($lshow == "all" || $lshow == "pages")
$output .= 'No pages found for '.$lPage.".\n";
echo $output;

Revision [7069]

Edited on 2005-04-01 19:33:28 by NilsLindenberg [small code change]
if ($results !== 0)
else $output .= 'No items found for '.$lpage.".\n";
$output .= 'No categories found for '.$lPage.".\n";
$output .= 'No pages found for '.$lPage.".\n";
if ($results)
else $output .= 'No items found for '. $lpage .'.';
$output .= 'No categories found for ' . $lPage .'.';
$output .= 'No pages found for ' . $lPage .'.';

Revision [6989]

Edited on 2005-03-29 13:39:41 by NilsLindenberg [small code change]
''29/03/2005: small code change (building arrays only when needed and better organzation of the output).''
* @package Actions
* @subpackage SystemContent
* @name Category
* @author {@link JsnX}
* @author {@link JavaWoman} (rewrite with filtering and table-less columns)
* @author {@link NilsLindenberg} (seperation of categories, functions for output)
* @copyright Copyright © 2004, Jason Tourtelotte
* @license GNU Lesser General Public License
* @since Wikka 1.0.0
* @input integer $forcecat optional: consider only pages that start with 'Category' (1) or
* treat any name as category (0); default: 1
* @input integer $inctpl optional: include "template" pages (1) or not (0); default: 0.
* @input integer $page optional: category to list members of; default: current page or CategoryCategory
* @input integer $col optional: number of columns for table; default: 1
* @input integer $compact optional: use table (0) or list (1); default: 0
* @input integer $class optional: class(es) to determine styling of the output list of table
* @input string $show optional: show "pages" "categories" od "all"; default: all
* @output list of categories and/or pages belonging to the specified or top-level category,
* formatted as a list or in columns
* @uses CheckMySQLVersion()
* @uses FullCategoryTextSearch()
* @uses FullTextSearch()
* @uses Link()
* @todo - version dependency FullCategoryTextSearch/ FullTextSearch should be hidden inside call - JW 2005-01-21
* - possible? use a single list also for columns, using CSS to visually split up into columns - JW 2005-01-19
$lForceCat = TRUE; # only pages starting with 'Category' are considered category pages
$lIncTpl = FALSE; # do not show template pages or treat a template as a category
$lPage = $this->tag; # current page is default category
$lCol = 1; # one column for table
$lCompact = FALSE; # use table, not list
$lClass = ''; # no class
$lshow = 'all'; # show pages and categories
$output = ''; # the final output
switch ($param)
case 'forcecat':
if (!$value) $lForceCat = FALSE;
case 'inctpl':
if ($value) $lIncTpl = TRUE;
case 'page':
if ($this->existsPage($value)) $lPage = $value;
case 'col':
if ($value === (string)(int)$value && (int)$value > 0) $lCol = (int)$value;
case 'compact':
if ($value) $lCompact = TRUE;
case 'class':
if ('' != $value) $lClass = $value;
case 'show':
if ($value == 'pages' || $value == 'categories') $lshow = $value;
if (!preg_match('/^Category/',$lPage)) $lPage = 'CategoryCategory'; # exception for a category that contains templates
// do not list top-level category as member
if ('CategoryCategory' == $cpage['tag'])
// do not list requested category as member
elseif ($cpage['tag'] == $lPage)
// unless inctpl is set, do not list template pages
elseif (!$lIncTpl && preg_match('/Template$/', $cpage['tag']))
// if the requested category ($lPage) is a template category, we do list its contents;
// while a page that starts with 'Category' is not (considered) a template, so we do list that as content;
// otherwise this must indeed be a template so we don't list it.
if ( ! (preg_match('/^Category.*?Template$/',$lPage) || preg_match('/^Category/',$cpage['tag'])) )
// we have a valid result: add to the list
if (preg_match('/^Category/', $cpage['tag']) && ($lshow == "all" || $lshow == "categories"))
if ($lCompact)
{$categorylist[] = $this->Link($cpage['tag'],'',preg_replace('/Category/','',$cpage['tag']));}
{$categorylist[] = $this->Link($cpage['tag']);}
else if (!preg_match('/^Category/', $cpage['tag']) && ($lshow == "all" || $lshow == "pages"))
if ($lCompact)
{$pagelist[] = $this->Link($cpage['tag'],'',$cpage['tag']);}
{$pagelist[] = $this->Link($cpage['tag']);}
else $output .= 'No items found for '. $lpage .'.';
if ($categorylist)
$output .= ShowArrayAsList($categorylist,$lClass);
$categorycount = count($categorylist);
$output .= 'The following '.$categorycount.' categories belong to '.$lPage.':<br /><br />'."\n";
$output .= ShowArrayInColumns($categorylist, $lCol, $lClass);
else if ($lshow == "all" || $lshow == "categories")
$output .= 'No categories found for ' . $lPage .'.';
if ($lshow == all) $output .= '<br><br>';
if ($pagelist)
$output .= ShowArrayAsList($pagelist,$lClass);
$pagecount = count($pagelist);
$output .= 'The following '.$pagecount.' pages belong to '.$lPage.':<br /><br />'."\n";
$output .= ShowArrayInColumns($pagelist, $lCol, $lClass);
else if ($lshow == "all" || $lshow == "pages")
$output .= 'No pages found for ' . $lPage .'.';
echo $output;
''28/02/2005: new option show="categories|pages|all" and a seperate file for the two functions.''
* @package Actions
* @subpackage SystemContent
* @name Category
* @author {@link JsnX}
* @author {@link JavaWoman} (rewrite with filtering and table-less columns)
* @author {@link NilsLindenberg} (seperation of categories, functions for output)
* @copyright Copyright © 2004, Jason Tourtelotte
* @license GNU Lesser General Public License
* @since Wikka 1.0.0
* @input integer $forcecat optional: consider only pages that start with 'Category' (1) or
* treat any name as category (0); default: 1
* @input integer $inctpl optional: include "template" pages (1) or not (0); default: 0.
* @input integer $page optional: category to list members of; default: current page or CategoryCategory
* @input integer $col optional: number of columns for table; default: 1
* @input integer $compact optional: use table (0) or list (1); default: 0
* @input integer $class optional: class(es) to determine styling of the output list of table
* @input string $show optional: show "pages" "categories" od "all"; default: all
* @output list of categories and pages belonging to the specified or top-level category,
* formatted as a list or in columns
* @uses CheckMySQLVersion()
* @uses FullCategoryTextSearch()
* @uses FullTextSearch()
* @uses Link()
* @todo - version dependency FullCategoryTextSearch/ FullTextSearch should be hidden inside call - JW 2005-01-21
* - possible? use a single list also for columns, using CSS to visually split up into columns - JW 2005-01-19
$lForceCat = TRUE; # only pages starting with 'Category' are considered category pages
$lIncTpl = FALSE; # do not show template pages or treat a template as a category
$lPage = $this->tag; # current page is default category
$lCol = 1; # one column for table
$lCompact = FALSE; # use table, not list
$lClass = ''; # no class
$lshow = 'all'; # show pages and categories
switch ($param)
case 'forcecat':
if (!$value) $lForceCat = FALSE;
case 'inctpl':
if ($value) $lIncTpl = TRUE;
case 'page':
if ($this->existsPage($value)) $lPage = $value;
case 'col':
if ($value === (string)(int)$value && (int)$value > 0) $lCol = (int)$value;
case 'compact':
if ($value) $lCompact = TRUE;
case 'class':
if ('' != $value) $lClass = $value;
case 'show':
if ($value == 'pages' || $value == 'categories') $lshow = $value;
if (!preg_match('/^Category/',$lPage)) $lPage = 'CategoryCategory'; # exception for a category that contains templates
// do not list top-level category as member
if ('CategoryCategory' == $cpage['tag'])
// do not list requested category as member
elseif ($cpage['tag'] == $lPage)
// unless inctpl is set, do not list template pages
elseif (!$lIncTpl && preg_match('/Template$/', $cpage['tag']))
// if the requested category ($lPage) is a template category, we do list its contents;
// while a page that starts with 'Category' is not (considered) a template, so we do list that as content;
// otherwise this must indeed be a template so we don't list it.
if ( ! (preg_match('/^Category.*?Template$/',$lPage) || preg_match('/^Category/',$cpage['tag'])) )
// we have a valid result: add to the list
if ($lCompact)
if (preg_match('/^Category/', $cpage['tag'])) $categorylist[] = $this->Link($cpage['tag'],'',preg_replace('/Category/','',$cpage['tag']));
else $pagelist[] = $this->Link($cpage['tag'],'',$cpage['tag']);
if (preg_match('/^Category/', $cpage['tag'])) $categorylist[] = $this->Link($cpage['tag']);
else $pagelist[] = $this->Link($cpage['tag']);
if ($categorylist && ($lshow == 'categories' || $lshow == 'all'))
$categorystr ='';
$categorystr .= ShowArrayAsList($categorylist,$lClass);
$categorycount = count($categorylist);
$categorystr .= 'The following '.$categorycount.' categories belong to '.$lPage.':<br /><br />'."\n";
$categorystr .= ShowArrayInColumns($categorylist, $lCol, $lClass);
$categorystr .= 'Sorry, no categories found for ' . $lPage .'.';
if ($pagelist && ($lshow == 'pages' || $lshow == 'all'))
$pagestr ='';
$pagestr .= ShowArrayAsList($pagelist,$lClass);
$pagecount = count($pagelist);
$pagestr .= 'The following '.$pagecount.' pages belong to '.$lPage.':<br /><br />'."\n";
$pagestr .= ShowArrayInColumns($pagelist, $lCol, $lClass);
$pagestr .= 'Sorry, no items found for ' . $lPage .'.';
if ($lshow == 'categories' || $lshow == 'all')
echo $categorystr;
echo '<br /><br />';
if ($lshow == 'pages' || $lshow == 'all') echo $pagestr;

Revision [6442]

Edited on 2005-03-03 14:08:53 by NilsLindenberg [+documentation]
* Sorts a given array in a given number of columns.
* @package Library
* @subpackage Common
* @name ShowArray
* @author {@link JavaWoman} (table-less columns)
* @author {@link NilsLindenberg} (function and "divison" of the array)
* @copyright Copyright © 2004,
* @license GNU Lesser General Public License
* @since Wikka 1.0.0
* @input array $array necessary: the data to be shown
* @input integer $colnumber optional: number of colums; default: 0.
* @input string $class optional: class(es) to determine styling of the output list of table; default: none.
* @output list of data from an array, formatted as in columns
* @todo - possible? use a single list also for columns, using CSS to visually split up into columns - JW 2005-01-19
* Sorts a given array as a list.
* @package Library
* @subpackage Common
* @name ShowArray
* @author {@link JsnX} (list)
* @author {@link NilsLindenberg} (function and "divison" of the array)
* @copyright Copyright © 2004,
* @license GNU Lesser General Public License
* @since Wikka 1.0.0
* @input array $array necessary: the data to be shown
* @input string $class optional: class(es) to determine styling of the output list of table; default: none.
* @output list of data from an array, formatted as a list
//$classattr = ('' != $class) ? ' class="linklist '.$class.'"' : ' class="linklist"';

Revision [6441]

Edited on 2005-03-03 13:56:08 by NilsLindenberg [removed brackets from new code]
require_once 'library/common/showarray.php';

Revision [6440]

Edited on 2005-03-03 13:41:29 by NilsLindenberg [new code]
''28/02/2005: new option show="categories|pages|all" and a seperate file for the two functions.''
* {{category [forcecat="0|1"] [inctpl="0|1"] [page="categoryname"] [col="n"] [compact="0|1"] [class="class"] [show="pages|categories|all"]}}
* @name Category
* @author {@link JsnX}
* @author {@link JavaWoman} (rewrite with filtering and table-less columns)
* @author {@link NilsLindenberg} (seperation of categories, functions for output)
* @license GNU Lesser General Public License
* @since Wikka 1.0.0
* @input integer $forcecat optional: consider only pages that start with 'Category' (1) or
* @input integer $inctpl optional: include "template" pages (1) or not (0); default: 0.
* @input integer $page optional: category to list members of; default: current page or CategoryCategory
* @input integer $col optional: number of columns for table; default: 1
* @input integer $compact optional: use table (0) or list (1); default: 0
* @input integer $class optional: class(es) to determine styling of the output list of table
* @input string $show optional: show "pages" "categories" od "all"; default: all
* @output list of categories and pages belonging to the specified or top-level category,
* @todo - version dependency FullCategoryTextSearch/ FullTextSearch should be hidden inside call - JW 2005-01-21
//including the needed functions
$lPage = $this->tag; # current page is default category
$lCol = 1; # one column for table
$lClass = ''; # no class
$lshow = 'all'; # show pages and categories
case 'show':
if ($value == 'pages' || $value == 'categories') $lshow = $value;
if ($categorylist && ($lshow == 'categories' || $lshow == 'all'))
if ($pagelist && ($lshow == 'pages' || $lshow == 'all'))
if ($lshow == 'categories' || $lshow == 'all')
echo $categorystr;
echo '<br /><br />';
if ($lshow == 'pages' || $lshow == 'all') echo $pagestr;
The following file has to be saved as ##library/common/showarray.php##:
''28/02/2005: new code which fixes counting-bug. Functions for organizing the list. Still needs adjustments (for example on the "class") and documentation.''
* {{category [forcecat="0|1"] [inctpl="0|1"] [page="categoryname"] [col="n"] [compact="0|1"] [class="class"]}}
* @name Category
* @author {@link JsnX}
* @author {@link JavaWoman} (rewrite with filtering and table-less columns)
* @author {@link NilsLindenberg} (seperation of categories, functions for output)
* @license GNU Lesser General Public License
* @since Wikka 1.0.0
* @input integer $forcecat optional: consider only pages that start with 'Category' (1) or
* @input integer $inctpl optional: include "template" pages (1) or not (0); default: 0.
* @input integer $page optional: category to list members of; default: current page or CategoryCategory
* @input integer $col optional: number of columns for table; default: 1
* @input integer $compact optional: use table (0) or list (1); default: 0
* @input integer $class optional: class(es) to determine styling of the output list of table
* @output list of categories and pages belonging to the specified or top-level category,
* @todo - version dependency FullCategoryTextSearch( / FullTextSearch should be hidden inside call - JW 2005-01-21
* - put the two function calls in a seperate file so backlinks can use the same - NL 2005-03-01
if (! function_exists('ShowArrayInColumns'))
if (! function_exists('ShowArrayAsList'))
$lPage = $this->tag; # current page is default category
$lCol = 1; # one column for table
$lClass = ''; # no class
if ($categorylist)
if ($pagelist)
echo $categorystr;
echo '<br /><br />';
echo $pagestr;

Revision [6397]

Edited on 2005-03-01 11:01:56 by NilsLindenberg [small changes to the documentation]
* @package Actions
* @subpackage SystemContent
* @author {@link NilsLindenberg} (seperation of categories, functions for output)
* @copyright Copyright © 2004, Jason Tourtelotte
* @input integer $inctpl optional: include "template" pages (1) or not (0); default: 0.
* @input integer $page optional: category to list members of; default: current page or CategoryCategory
* @input integer $col optional: number of columns for table; default: 1
* @input integer $class optional: class(es) to determine styling of the output list of table
* @output list of categories and pages belonging to the specified or top-level category,
* formatted as a list or in columns
* - put the two function calls in a seperate file so backlinks can use the same - NL 2005-03-01
* - possible? use a single list also for columns, using CSS to visually split up into columns - JW 2005-01-19
* - possible? use a single list also for columns, using CSS to visually split up into columns - JW 2005-01-19
$lIncTpl = FALSE; # do not show template pages or treat a template as a category
$lCol = 1; # one column for table
$lCompact = FALSE; # use table, not list
$lClass = ''; # no class
* @package Actions
* @subpackage SystemContent
* @copyright Copyright © 2004, Jason Tourtelotte
* @input integer $inctpl optional: include "template" pages (1) or not (0); default: 0.
* @input integer $page optional: category to list members of; default: current page or CategoryCategory
* @input integer $col optional: number of columns for table; default: 1
* @input integer $class optional: class(es) to determine styling of the output list of table
* @output list of pages belonging to the specified or top-level category,
* formatted as a list or a layout table
* - refactor two different presentations into function call(s) so backlinks can use the same - JW 2005-01-21
* - possible? use a single list also for columns, using CSS to visually split up into columns - JW 2005-01-19
$lIncTpl = FALSE; # do not show template pages or treat a template as a category
$lCol = 1; # one column for table
$lCompact = FALSE; # use table, not list
$lClass = ''; # no class

Revision [6391]

Edited on 2005-02-28 16:39:14 by NiehLe [code update]
''28/02/2005: new code which fixes counting-bug. Functions for organizing the list. Still needs adjustments (for example on the "class") and documentation.''
* @package Actions
* @subpackage SystemContent
* @copyright Copyright © 2004, Jason Tourtelotte
* - refactor two different presentations into function call(s) so backlinks can use the same - JW 2005-01-21
* - possible? use a single list also for columns, using CSS to visually split up into columns - JW 2005-01-19
if (! function_exists('ShowArrayInColumns'))
function ShowArrayInColumns($array, $colnumber=1, $class="")
if (! function_exists('ShowArrayAsList'))
function ShowArrayAsList($array,$class="")
//$classattr = ('' != $class) ? ' class="linklist '.$class.'"' : ' class="linklist"';
$str .= "<ul>\n";
for ($i=0;$i<$entries;$i++)
$str .= ' <li>'.$array[$i].'</li>';
$str .= "</ul>\n</div>\n";
return ($str);
$str .= "The data delivered to the function ShowArrayAsList was no array.";
$categorystr .= ShowArrayAsList($categorylist,$lClass);
$categorycount = count($categorylist);
$pagestr .= ShowArrayAsList($pagelist,$lClass);
$pagecount = count($pagelist);
''28/02/2005: new code which fixes counting-bug. First draft of functions for output. Still needs adjustments.''
* @package Actions
* @subpackage SystemContent
* @copyright Copyright © 2004, Jason Tourtelotte
* - refactor two different presentations into function call(s) so backlinks can use the same - JW 2005-01-21
* - possible? use a single list also for columns, using CSS to visually split up into columns - JW 2005-01-19
function ShowArrayInColumns($array, $colnumber=1, $class)
$categorycount = count($categorylist);
$classattr = ('' != $class) ? ' class="linklist '.$class.'"' : ' class="linklist"';
$categorystr .= '<div'.$lClass.'>'."\n";
$categorystr .= "<ul>\n";
foreach ($categorylist as $val)
$categorystr .= ' <li>'.$val.'</li>';
$categorystr .= "</ul>\n</div>\n";
$pagecount = count($pagelist);
$classattr = ('' != $class) ? ' class="linklist '.$class.'"' : ' class="linklist"';
$pagestr .= '<div'.$lClass.'>'."\n";
$pagestr .= "<ul>\n";
foreach ($pagelist as $val)
$pagestr .= ' <li>'.$val.'</li>';
$pagestr .= "</ul>\n</div>\n";

Revision [6386]

Edited on 2005-02-28 14:52:19 by NilsLindenberg [code update]
''28/02/2005: new code which fixes counting-bug. First draft of functions for output. Still needs adjustments.''
* @package Actions
* - refactor two different presentations into function call(s) so backlinks can use the same - JW 2005-01-21
* - possible? use a single list also for columns, using CSS to visually split up into columns - JW 2005-01-19
function ShowArrayInColumns($array, $colnumber=1, $class)
$str = "";
if (is_array($array))
$entries = count($array);
$width = (int) (100 / $colnumber);
$lines = 0;
$a = 0;

$str .= '<div'.$class.'>'."\n";

//how many lines with an entry in every column do we have?
while ($entries / $colnumber > 1)
$entries = $entries - $colnumber;

//prepare output
for ($i=0;$i<$colnumber;$i++)
$str .=' <div style="width: '.$width.'%; float: left;">'."\n";
for ($j=0;$j<$lines;$j++)
$str .= ' '.$array[$a].'<br />'."\n";

//the rest of the entries (less then the number of cols)
if ($entries)
$str .= ' '.$array[$a].'<br />'."\n";
$str .=" </div>\n";

$str .= '</div><br style="clear: both;">'."\n";
return ($str);
$str .= 'The data delivered to the function ShowArrayInColumns was no array.';
return ($str);
$categorystr .= ShowArrayInColumns($categorylist, $lCol, $lClass);
$pagestr .= ShowArrayInColumns($pagelist, $lCol, $lClass);
''25/02/2005: new code which uses jws enhanced code. still needs some adjustments in details.''
* @package Actions
* - refactor two different presentations into function call(s) so backlinks can use the same - JW 2005-01-21
* - possible? use a single list also for columns, using CSS to visually split up into columns - JW 2005-01-19
// data columns
$lines = ($categorycount % $lCol == 0) ? (int)($categorycount / $lCol) : (int)(($categorycount + $lCol) / $lCol);
$width = (int) (100 / $lCol);
$categorycount = 0;
$classattr = ('' != $class) ? ' class="linkcols '.$class.'"' : ' class="linkcols"';
if (($categorycount++ % $lines) == 0) $categorystr .= ' <div style="width: '.$width.'%; float: left;">'."\n";
$categorystr .= ' '.$val.'<br />'."\n";
if (($categorycount % $lines) == 0) $categorystr .= " </div>\n";
if (($categorycount % $lines) != 0) $categorystr .= " </div>\n";
$categorystr .= '</div><br style="clear: both;">'."\n";
// data columns
$lines = ($pagecount % $lCol == 0) ? (int)($pagecount / $lCol) : (int)(($pagecount + $lCol) / $lCol);
$width = (int) (100 / $lCol);
$pagecount = 0;
$classattr = ('' != $class) ? ' class="linkcols '.$class.'"' : ' class="linkcols"';
if (($pagecount++ % $lines) == 0) $pagestr .= ' <div style="width: '.$width.'%; float: left;">'."\n";
$pagestr .= ' '.$val.'<br />'."\n";
if (($pagecount % $lines) == 0) $pagestr .= " </div>\n";
if (($pagecount % $lines) != 0) $pagestr .= " </div>\n";
$pagestr .= '</div><br style="clear: both;">'."\n";

Revision [6333]

Edited on 2005-02-25 19:23:46 by NilsLindenberg [new code + category added]
''25/02/2005: new code which uses jws enhanced code. still needs some adjustments in details.''
* Generates a list of pages belonging to the specified or top-level category.
* If no category page is specified, the current page is assumed to be a category (unless filtered).
* Unless 'forcecat' is set to 0, only pages starting with 'Category' are considered to be Category
* pages and if this action is not on a category page, it will list the contents of
* CategoryCategory instead.
* Template pages (page name ending with 'Template') may contain category names; they are filtered
* out automatically unless 'inctpl' is set to 1. One exception: pagenames that start with
* 'Category' and end with 'Template' are considered a proper category so templates can themselves
* be categorized.
* Note: the list view ('compact' = 1) is nice for a sidebar while the columnar view
* ('compact' = 0) is more suited for a category page.
* Syntax:
* {{category [forcecat="0|1"] [inctpl="0|1"] [page="categoryname"] [col="n"] [compact="0|1"] [class="class"]}}
* @package Actions
* @subpackage SystemContent
* @name Category
* @author {@link JsnX}
* @author {@link JavaWoman} (rewrite with filtering and table-less columns)
* @copyright Copyright © 2004, Jason Tourtelotte
* @license GNU Lesser General Public License
* @since Wikka 1.0.0
* @input integer $forcecat optional: consider only pages that start with 'Category' (1) or
* treat any name as category (0); default: 1
* @input integer $inctpl optional: include "template" pages (1) or not (0); default: 0.
* @input integer $page optional: category to list members of; default: current page or CategoryCategory
* @input integer $col optional: number of columns for table; default: 1
* @input integer $compact optional: use table (0) or list (1); default: 0
* @input integer $class optional: class(es) to determine styling of the output list of table
* @output list of pages belonging to the specified or top-level category,
* formatted as a list or a layout table
* @uses CheckMySQLVersion()
* @uses FullCategoryTextSearch()
* @uses FullTextSearch()
* @uses Link()
* @todo - version dependency FullCategoryTextSearch( / FullTextSearch should be hidden inside call - JW 2005-01-21
* - refactor two different presentations into function call(s) so backlinks can use the same - JW 2005-01-21
* - possible? use a single list also for columns, using CSS to visually split up into columns - JW 2005-01-19
// set defaults
$lForceCat = TRUE; # only pages starting with 'Category' are considered category pages
$lIncTpl = FALSE; # do not show template pages or treat a template as a category
$lPage = $this->tag; # current page is default category
$lCol = 1; # one column for table
$lCompact = FALSE; # use table, not list
$lClass = ''; # no class
// get parameters
if (is_array($vars))
foreach ($vars as $param => $value)
switch ($param)
case 'forcecat':
if (!$value) $lForceCat = FALSE;
case 'inctpl':
if ($value) $lIncTpl = TRUE;
case 'page':
if ($this->existsPage($value)) $lPage = $value;
case 'col':
if ($value === (string)(int)$value && (int)$value > 0) $lCol = (int)$value;
case 'compact':
if ($value) $lCompact = TRUE;
case 'class':
if ('' != $value) $lClass = $value;
// filter WHICH category we (may) show the content OF
if ($lForceCat)
if (!preg_match('/^Category/',$lPage)) $lPage = 'CategoryCategory';
elseif ($lPage == '/')
$lPage = 'CategoryCategory';
if (!$lIncTpl && preg_match('/Template$/',$lPage))
if (!preg_match('/^Category/',$lPage)) $lPage = 'CategoryCategory'; # exception for a category that contains templates
// get the listed category pages
if ($this->CheckMySQLVersion(4,0,1))
$results = $this->FullCategoryTextSearch($lPage);
$results = $this->FullTextSearch($lPage);
// filter what we show AS content of the requested category
if ($results)
$pagelist = array();
$categorylist = array();
foreach ($results as $cpage)
// do not list top-level category as member
if ('CategoryCategory' == $cpage['tag'])
// do not list requested category as member
elseif ($cpage['tag'] == $lPage)
// unless inctpl is set, do not list template pages
elseif (!$lIncTpl && preg_match('/Template$/', $cpage['tag']))
// if the requested category ($lPage) is a template category, we do list its contents;
// while a page that starts with 'Category' is not (considered) a template, so we do list that as content;
// otherwise this must indeed be a template so we don't list it.
if ( ! (preg_match('/^Category.*?Template$/',$lPage) || preg_match('/^Category/',$cpage['tag'])) )
// we have a valid result: add to the list
if ($lCompact)
if (preg_match('/^Category/', $cpage['tag'])) $categorylist[] = $this->Link($cpage['tag'],'',preg_replace('/Category/','',$cpage['tag']));
else $pagelist[] = $this->Link($cpage['tag'],'',$cpage['tag']);
if (preg_match('/^Category/', $cpage['tag'])) $categorylist[] = $this->Link($cpage['tag']);
else $pagelist[] = $this->Link($cpage['tag']);
// show resulting list of categories belonging to category $lPage
if ($categorylist)
$categorystr ='';
$categorycount = count($categorylist);
// make simple list (useful for sidebar)
if ($lCompact)
$classattr = ('' != $class) ? ' class="linklist '.$class.'"' : ' class="linklist"';
$categorystr .= '<div'.$lClass.'>'."\n";
$categorystr .= "<ul>\n";
foreach ($categorylist as $val)
$categorystr .= ' <li>'.$val.'</li>';
$categorystr .= "</ul>\n</div>\n";
// make columnar overview (useful for category pages)
$categorystr .= 'The following '.$categorycount.' categories belong to '.$lPage.':<br /><br />'."\n";
// data columns
$lines = ($categorycount % $lCol == 0) ? (int)($categorycount / $lCol) : (int)(($categorycount + $lCol) / $lCol);
$width = (int) (100 / $lCol);
$categorycount = 0;
$classattr = ('' != $class) ? ' class="linkcols '.$class.'"' : ' class="linkcols"';
$categorystr .= '<div'.$lClass.'>'."\n";
foreach ($categorylist as $val)
if (($categorycount++ % $lines) == 0) $categorystr .= ' <div style="width: '.$width.'%; float: left;">'."\n";
$categorystr .= ' '.$val.'<br />'."\n";
if (($categorycount % $lines) == 0) $categorystr .= " </div>\n";
if (($categorycount % $lines) != 0) $categorystr .= " </div>\n";
$categorystr .= '</div><br style="clear: both;">'."\n";
$categorystr .= 'Sorry, no categories found for ' . $lPage .'.';
// show resulting list of pages belonging to category $lPage
if ($pagelist)
$pagestr ='';
$pagecount = count($pagelist);
// make simple list (useful for sidebar)
if ($lCompact)
$classattr = ('' != $class) ? ' class="linklist '.$class.'"' : ' class="linklist"';
$pagestr .= '<div'.$lClass.'>'."\n";
$pagestr .= "<ul>\n";
foreach ($pagelist as $val)
$pagestr .= ' <li>'.$val.'</li>';
$pagestr .= "</ul>\n</div>\n";
// make columnar overview (useful for category pages)
$pagestr .= 'The following '.$pagecount.' pages belong to '.$lPage.':<br /><br />'."\n";
// data columns
$lines = ($pagecount % $lCol == 0) ? (int)($pagecount / $lCol) : (int)(($pagecount + $lCol) / $lCol);
$width = (int) (100 / $lCol);
$classattr = ('' != $class) ? ' class="linkcols '.$class.'"' : ' class="linkcols"';
$pagestr .= '<div'.$lClass.'>'."\n";
foreach ($pagelist as $val)
if (($pagecount++ % $lines) == 0) $pagestr .= ' <div style="width: '.$width.'%; float: left;">'."\n";
$pagestr .= ' '.$val.'<br />'."\n";
if (($pagecount % $lines) == 0) $pagestr .= " </div>\n";
if (($pagecount % $lines) != 0) $pagestr .= " </div>\n";
$pagestr .= '</div><br style="clear: both;">'."\n";
$pagestr .= 'Sorry, no items found for ' . $lPage .'.';
echo $categorystr;
echo '<br /><br />';
echo $pagestr;
I haven't found the code for JWs better category-action, see WikkaBetaFeatures for what I mean, and therefore have just made some little changes to the code:
if ($cattag = $_REQUEST["wakka"])
$str ="";
if (!isset($col)) $col=1;
if (!isset($compact)) $compact=0;
if (!isset($page)) $page=$this->getPageTag();
if ($page=="/") $page="CategoryCategory";
// $page= preg_replace( "/(\w+)\s(\w+)/", "$1$2",$page);
if (isset($class))
} else
if (!$page) {$page=$cattag;}
if ($this->CheckMySQLVersion(4,0,1))
$results = $this->FullCategoryTextSearch($page);
$results = $this->FullTextSearch($page);
if ($results)
if (!$compact) $str .= ' to ' . $page . ': <br /><br /><table '.$class.' width="100%"><tr>';
else $str .= '<div '.$class.'><ul>';
$categorystr .= ' pages belong to ' . $page . ': <br /><br /><div '.$class.'><ul>';

$count = 0;
$categorycount = 0;

$list = array();

foreach ($results as $i => $cpage) if($cpage['tag'] != $page) { array_push($list,$cpage['tag']);}
while (list($key, $val) = each($list))
if (eregi("^Category", $val)) // do we have a category??
$categorystr .= '<li>'.$this->Format('[['.$val.' '.preg_replace( "/Category/", "",$val).']]').'</li>';
else // no, must be a page then!
if ($count == $col & !$compact) { $str .= "</tr><tr>"; $count=0; }
if (!$compact) $str .= '<td>'.$this->Format('[['.$val.']]').'</td>';
else $str .= '<li>'.$this->Format('[['.$val.' '.preg_replace( "/Category/", "",$val).']]').'</li>';
if ($pagecount == 1) $str = 'The following page belongs'.$str;
else $str = 'The following '.$pagecount.' pages belong'.$str;
if ($categorycount == 1) $categorystr = 'The following category belongs'.$categorystr;
else $categorystr = 'The following '.$categorycount.' categories belong'.$categorystr;
if (!$compact) $str .= '</tr></table>'; else $str .= '</ul></div>';
$categorystr .= '</ul></div>';
else $str .= 'Sorry, no items found for ' .$page .'.';

if ($categorycount)
print ($categorystr);
echo '<br /><br />';
if (pagecount) print($str);
echo '<br /><br />';

Revision [6261]

Edited on 2005-02-23 11:49:21 by NilsLindenberg [little correction in the description]
If you use the following code to replace your ##actions/category.php##, Categories are listed seperate from pages, and the first ones without the "Category" in front.
If you use the following code to replace your ##actions/category.php##, Categories are listed seperate from pages, and the later without the "Category" in front.

Revision [6250]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2005-02-22 14:39:08 by NilsLindenberg [little correction in the description]
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