Revision history for RSSAutoDiscovery

Revision [23116]

Last edited on 2016-05-20 07:38:46 by JavaWoman [Replaces old-style internal links with new pipe-split links.]
implemented now in [[ | release]]
~-[[Rss | Explanation of RSS]]
~-[[ | Aggie]]
~-[[ | FeedDemon]]
~-[[ | SharpReader]] (Only the first link is picked up.)
implemented now in [[ release]]
~-[[Rss Explanation of RSS]]
~-[[ Aggie]]
~-[[ FeedDemon]]
~-[[ SharpReader]] (Only the first link is picked up.)

Revision [18883]

Edited on 2008-01-28 00:13:01 by JavaWoman [Modified links pointing to docs server]

No Differences

Revision [14553]

Edited on 2006-06-12 06:29:11 by JavaWoman [note about implementation in]
{{svn}} <<**Note:**
implemented now in [[ release]]
<<>>**See also:**
>>**See also:**

Revision [12426]

Edited on 2005-12-26 10:25:54 by DarTar [adding category link]

Revision [11943]

Edited on 2005-11-22 22:15:22 by DarTar [adding svn link]

Revision [10542]

Edited on 2005-08-07 23:06:20 by NilsLindenberg [linkfix]
~-[[Rss Explanation of RSS]]
~-[[Explanation of RSS]]

Revision [10541]

Edited on 2005-08-07 23:05:49 by NilsLindenberg [see also]
~-[[Explanation of RSS]]

Revision [10530]

Edited on 2005-08-07 17:04:14 by JavaWoman [adding Lynx]
~-[[ Aggie]]
~-[[ FeedDemon]]
~-[[ SharpReader]] (Only the first link is picked up.)
~&Implemented now, though most screenshots don't show it) --JavaWoman
{{image alt="Lynx link navigation" title="Lynx link navigation support" url="images/rss/lynx_autodiscovery.png"}}
==Other browsers==
~-Another browser with support for link navigation is **iCab** (no screenshot available).
~-//While Opera does have some (limited) link navigation support, this does not include support for ##<link rel="alternate" ... />## type tags **except** links to RSS feeds: no support for links to alternate language versions, PDF versions, or whatever alternative versions for a resource you might come up with.//
[[ Aggie]]
[[ FeedDemon]]
[[ SharpReader]] (Only the first link is picked up.)
~&Implemented now, though the screenshots don't show it) --JavaWoman
//Other browsers with support for link navigation are **iCab** and **Lynx** (no screenshots available.)//

Revision [10529]

Edited on 2005-08-07 16:42:08 by JavaWoman [Added '(RSS') to link title attributes (online!)]
~&Implemented now, though the screenshots don't show it) --JavaWoman

Revision [10528]

Edited on 2005-08-07 16:39:27 by JavaWoman [adding 'RSS' to title attributes]
$rsslink = ' <link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="'.$this->GetWakkaName().': revisions for '.$this->tag.' (RSS)" href="'.$this->Href('revisions.xml', $this->tag).'" />'."\n";
$rsslink .= ' <link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="'.$this->GetWakkaName().': recently edited pages (RSS)" href="'.$this->Href('recentchanges.xml', $this->tag).'" />'."\n";
$rsslink = ' <link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="'.$this->GetWakkaName().': revisions for '.$this->tag.'" href="'.$this->Href('revisions.xml', $this->tag).'" />'."\n";
$rsslink .= ' <link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="'.$this->GetWakkaName().': recently edited pages" href="'.$this->Href('recentchanges.xml', $this->tag).'" />'."\n";

Revision [10527]

Edited on 2005-08-07 16:36:40 by JavaWoman [minor]
~-RssInfo (using Wikka as a feed reader)

Revision [10526]

Edited on 2005-08-07 16:34:30 by JavaWoman [more info]
To use autodiscovery, you don't need to find out the location of the RSS file, you simply give your RSS reader the address of the web page and the RSS reader will search the page for any RSS links that it can find.
Note that Mozilla will display **all** alternate links, so these should be labeled as 'RSS' in the title attribute (in addition to the description).
//Other browsers with support for link navigation are **iCab** and **Lynx** (no screenshots available.)//
Feed reader support fo rautodiscovery generally means you can simply drag a **page** URL to th reader and have the reader automatically open the feed or subscribe to it.
Note that Mozilla will display **all** alternate links, so these should be labeled as 'RSS'.

Revision [10525]

Edited on 2005-08-07 16:21:25 by JavaWoman [some feed readers with autodiscovery support]
Feed reader support fo rautodiscovery generally means you can simply drag a **page** URL to th reader and have the reader automatically open the feed or subscribe to it.
Feed readers with autodiscovery include (in alphabetical order):
[[ Aggie]]
[[ FeedDemon]]
[[ SharpReader]] (Only the first link is picked up.)
Feed readers with autodiscovery include:
[[ SharpReader]]

Revision [10522]

Edited on 2005-08-07 15:43:07 by JavaWoman [Adding feed readers section and heading]
====Wikka RSS feeds====
A small modification to ##header.php## allows Wikka feeds to be 'autodiscovered' by most feed readers and now also by some browsers supporting this mechanism.
====Feed reader support====
Feed readers with autodiscovery include:
[[ SharpReader]]
//more to follow//
A small modification to ##header.php## allows Wikka feeds to be autodiscovered by most feedreaders and by browsers supporting this function.

Revision [10521]

Edited on 2005-08-07 15:38:45 by JavaWoman [minor code fix: we don't generate ATOM so both links are rss+xml]
$rsslink = ' <link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="'.$this->GetWakkaName().': revisions for '.$this->tag.'" href="'.$this->Href('revisions.xml', $this->tag).'" />'."\n";
$rsslink .= ' <link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="'.$this->GetWakkaName().': recently edited pages" href="'.$this->Href('recentchanges.xml', $this->tag).'" />'."\n";
$rsslink = ' <link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="'.$this->GetWakkaName().': revisions for '.$this->tag.'" href="'.$this->Href('revisions.xml', $this->tag).'" />'."\n";
$rsslink .= ' <link rel="alternate" type="application/atom+xml" title="'.$this->GetWakkaName().': recently edited pages" href="'.$this->Href('recentchanges.xml', $this->tag).'" />'."\n";

Revision [10520]

Edited on 2005-08-07 15:35:43 by JavaWoman [Link navigation v.s RSS autodiscovery]
A small modification to ##header.php## allows Wikka feeds to be autodiscovered by most feedreaders and by browsers supporting this function.
====Browser support====
===Link Navigation support===
//Link navigation// support can be found in:
{{image alt="Mozilla 'Other Versions' in link navigation bar" title="Mozilla link navigation support" url="images/rss/moz_autodiscovery_s.png"}}
Note that Mozilla will display **all** alternate links, so these should be labeled as 'RSS'.
===RSS autodiscovery support===
A small modification to ##header.php## allows Wikka feeds to be autodiscovered by browsers supporting this function.
===Browser support===
{{image alt="Mozilla 'Other Versions' in link navigation bar" title="Mozilla link navigation support" url="images/rss/moz_autodiscovery.png"}}

Revision [10519]

Edited on 2005-08-07 15:14:34 by JavaWoman [adding Mozilla screenshot]
{{image alt="Mozilla 'Other Versions' in link navigation bar" title="Mozilla link navigation support" url="images/rss/moz_autodiscovery.png"}}

Revision [10518]

Edited on 2005-08-07 15:02:48 by DarTar [uploaded Opera screenshot - thx Ian]
==Opera (7.5+)==
{{image alt="Opera autodiscovery button" title="Opera autodiscovery button" url="images/rss/opera_autodiscovery.png"}}
==Opera V7.5+==
{{image alt="Opera autodiscovery button" title="Opera autodiscovery button" url=""}}

Revision [10517]

Edited on 2005-08-07 14:59:23 by IanAndolina [Added Opera screenshot; can you upload it so it is hosted locally?]
==Opera V7.5+==
{{image alt="Opera autodiscovery button" title="Opera autodiscovery button" url=""}}

Revision [10516]

Edited on 2005-08-07 14:44:08 by DarTar [tab fix]
echo $rsslink;
echo $rsslink;

Revision [10515]

Edited on 2005-08-07 14:43:55 by DarTar [tab fix]
$rsslink .= ' <link rel="alternate" type="application/atom+xml" title="'.$this->GetWakkaName().': recently edited pages" href="'.$this->Href('recentchanges.xml', $this->tag).'" />'."\n";
$rsslink .= ' <link rel="alternate" type="application/atom+xml" title="'.$this->GetWakkaName().': recently edited pages" href="'.$this->Href('recentchanges.xml', $this->tag).'" />'."\n";

Revision [10514]

Edited on 2005-08-07 14:43:44 by DarTar [tab fix]
$rsslink = ' <link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="'.$this->GetWakkaName().': revisions for '.$this->tag.'" href="'.$this->Href('revisions.xml', $this->tag).'" />'."\n";
$rsslink .= ' <link rel="alternate" type="application/atom+xml" title="'.$this->GetWakkaName().': recently edited pages" href="'.$this->Href('recentchanges.xml', $this->tag).'" />'."\n";
echo $rsslink;
$rsslink = "\t".'<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="'.$this->GetWakkaName().': revisions for '.$this->tag.'" href="'.$this->Href('revisions.xml', $this->tag).'" />'."\n";
$rsslink .= "\t".'<link rel="alternate" type="application/atom+xml" title="'.$this->GetWakkaName().': recently edited pages" href="'.$this->Href('recentchanges.xml', $this->tag).'" />'."\n";
echo $rsslink;

Revision [10513]

Edited on 2005-08-07 14:29:24 by DarTar [new beta feature]
==Safari (2.0+)==
==Yahoo toolbar for IE (5.6+)==
==Safari 2.X==
==Yahoo toolbar for IE==

Revision [10512]

Edited on 2005-08-07 14:25:54 by DarTar [new beta feature]
{{image alt="FF autodiscovery button" title="Firefox autodiscovery button" url="images/rss/ff_autodiscovery.png"}}
{{image alt="Safari autodiscovery button" title="Safari autodiscovery button" url="images/rss/safari_autodiscovery.gif"}}
{{image alt="Yahoo toolbar autodiscovery button" title="Yahoo toolbar autodiscovery button" url="images/rss/yahoo_autodiscovery.gif"}}
{{image alt="FF autodiscovery icon" title="Firefox autodiscovery icon" url="images/rss/ff_autodiscovery.png"}}
{{image alt="Safari autodiscovery icon" title="Safari autodiscovery icon" url="images/rss/safari_autodiscovery.gif"}}
{{image alt="Yahoo toolbar autodiscovery icon" title="Yahoo toolbar autodiscovery icon" url="images/rss/yahoo_autodiscovery.gif"}}

Revision [10511]

Edited on 2005-08-07 14:24:48 by DarTar [new beta feature]
{{image alt="FF autodiscovery icon" title="Firefox autodiscovery icon" url="images/rss/ff_autodiscovery.png"}}
==Safari 2.X==
{{image alt="Safari autodiscovery icon" title="Safari autodiscovery icon" url="images/rss/safari_autodiscovery.gif"}}
==Yahoo toolbar for IE==
{{image alt="Yahoo toolbar autodiscovery icon" title="Yahoo toolbar autodiscovery icon" url="images/rss/yahoo_autodiscovery.gif"}}
~-Mozilla/Firefox --- {{image alt="FF autodiscovery icon" title="Firefox autodiscovery icon" url="images/rss/ff_autodiscovery.png"}}
~-Safari 2.X --- {{image alt="Safari autodiscovery icon" title="Safari autodiscovery icon" url="images/rss/safari_autodiscovery.gif"}}
~-Yahoo toolbar for IE.

Revision [10510]

Edited on 2005-08-07 13:39:21 by DarTar [new beta feature]
The //RSS autodiscovery// feature is currently supported by:
The //RSS autodiscovery// function is currently supported by:

Revision [10509]

Edited on 2005-08-07 13:38:40 by DarTar [new beta feature]
~-Mozilla/Firefox --- {{image alt="FF autodiscovery icon" title="Firefox autodiscovery icon" url="images/rss/ff_autodiscovery.png"}}
~-Mozilla/Firefox --- {{image alt="FF autodiscovery icon" title="Firefox autodiscovery icon" url="images/rss/ff_autodiscovery.gif"}}

Revision [10508]

Edited on 2005-08-07 13:33:56 by DarTar [new beta feature]
===Browser support===
The //RSS autodiscovery// function is currently supported by:
~-Mozilla/Firefox --- {{image alt="FF autodiscovery icon" title="Firefox autodiscovery icon" url="images/rss/ff_autodiscovery.gif"}}
~-Safari 2.X --- {{image alt="Safari autodiscovery icon" title="Safari autodiscovery icon" url="images/rss/safari_autodiscovery.gif"}}
~-Yahoo toolbar for IE.

Revision [10505]

Edited on 2005-08-07 13:17:27 by DarTar [new beta feature]
A small modification to ##header.php## allows Wikka feeds to be autodiscovered by browsers supporting this function.
A small modification to ##header.php## allows [[RssInfo Wikka feeds]] to be autodiscovered by browsers supporting this function.

Revision [10504]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2005-08-07 13:16:31 by DarTar [new beta feature]
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