Using a templating system

It would be nice to see a template engine in Wikka to give the users the full control over the HTML source.

Templating systems under discussion


Give control over HTML (using a templating system)

(copied from SuggestionBox --NilsLindenberg)

It would be nice to see a template engine in Wikka to give the users the full control over the HTML source. Smarty is always a good choice.

actually the predecessor did use the include command

See please a predecessor did use the include command to build a template at the top of the page and it works properly. On a next page:, you will see an important left rand informations group. I did try to realize these group with an include command but without success. In will use an { { include LeftRand } } instead of all the commands from following listing. can one of you help to make it working (perhaps directly in the right page ;-) ! it would be the best! after that, you can erase here the following code if it's work properly!)? center table width=98% border=0 cellspacing=3 cellpadding=7 bgcolor=#FFFFCC tr align=top td align=right width=99% h1 FONT face=Times New RomanibPuppy Linux Mini How-to  'b'i'font 'h1 'td 'tr 'table 'center table width=100% border=0 cellspacing=10 cellpadding=0 tr align=top td align=left valign=top bgcolor=#c8e3ff width=20% table cellspacing=0 border=0 tr td bBasics'b 'td 'tr tr td font face=Verdana   - a href=aboutAbout'a 'font 'td 'tr tr td font face=Verdana   - a href=installInstallation'a 'font 'td 'tr tr td font face=Verdana   - a href=startGetting Started'a 'font 'td 'tr tr td bSoftware'b 'td 'tr tr td font face=Verdana   - a href=wmWM'a 'font 'td 'tr tr td font face=Verdana   - a href=roxRox Filer'a 'font 'td 'tr tr td font face=Verdana   - a href=pgetPupGet'a 'font 'td 'tr tr td font face=Verdana   - font color=darkbluebDotpup'b'font 'font 'td 'tr tr td bHardware'b 'td 'tr tr td font face=Verdana   - a href=videoVideo'a 'font 'td 'tr tr td font face=Verdana   - a href=soundSound'a 'font 'td 'tr tr td font face=Verdana   - a href=networkNetworking'a 'font 'td 'tr tr td font face=Verdana   - a href=inputInput Devices'a 'font 'td 'tr tr td font face=Verdana   - a href=othersOthers'a 'font 'td 'tr tr td bGoodies'b 'td 'tr tr td font face=Verdana   - a href=gamesGames'a 'font 'td 'tr tr td font face=Verdana   - a href=linuxLinux Tutorial'a 'font 'td 'tr tr td font face=Verdana   - a href=moreMore'a 'font 'td 'tr tr td bLinks'b 'td 'tr tr td font face=Verdana   - a href=puplinksPuppy'a 'font 'td 'tr tr td font face=Verdana   - a href=morelinksOthers'a 'font 'td 'tr tr td bMiscellanea'b 'td 'tr tr td font face=Verdana   - a href=miscMisc'a 'font 'td 'tr 'table 'td -- NeW

Editable header/footer

(moved from SuggestionBox --JavaWoman)

It is quite cumbersome to edit the header and footer at the moment.
Some of it has to be done in the actions files, and the menuitems in the config file. This means I can't safely allow users to edit them.
What I would like, is a system that allows easy creation of non-default headers/footers (so you can get a different menu in different parts of the site).

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