Revision history for ThirdPartyIntegration

Revision [23184]

Last edited on 2016-05-20 07:38:47 by DomBonj [Replaces old-style internal links with new pipe-split links.]
~-[[WikkaIntegration | Integrating Wikka into other software]]
~-[[Docs:ThirdPartyInfo | List of 3rdparty software bundled with wikka]]
~-[[BadBehavior | Wikka/Bad-Behavior]] --- integrating a script against spam-agents.
~-[[ | Wikka/MoonEdit]] --- a Wikka action developed by [[ | Pierre Gorissen]] to integrate the collaborative text editor [[MoonEdit]] in WikkaWiki (see [[ | code]]).
~-[[SmartyPants | Wikka/SmartyPants]] --- integrating a typographic engine into Wikka.
~-[[JSMathIntegration | Wikka/JSMath]] --- integrating a JavaScript-based formatter for rendering math through LaTeX syntax.
~-[[SifrIntegration | Wikka/sIFR]] --- rendering of headings through Scalable Inman Flash Replacement.
~-[[Docs:Slideshow2HandlerInfo | Wikka/S5]] --- integrating the [[ | S5]] browser-based slideshow tool.
~-[[WikkaIntegration Integrating Wikka into other software]]
~-[[Docs:ThirdPartyInfo List of 3rdparty software bundled with wikka]]
~-[[BadBehavior Wikka/Bad-Behavior]] --- integrating a script against spam-agents.
~-[[ Wikka/MoonEdit]] --- a Wikka action developed by [[ Pierre Gorissen]] to integrate the collaborative text editor [[MoonEdit]] in WikkaWiki (see [[ code]]).
~-[[SmartyPants Wikka/SmartyPants]] --- integrating a typographic engine into Wikka.
~-[[JSMathIntegration Wikka/JSMath]] --- integrating a JavaScript-based formatter for rendering math through LaTeX syntax.
~-[[SifrIntegration Wikka/sIFR]] --- rendering of headings through Scalable Inman Flash Replacement.
~-[[Docs:Slideshow2HandlerInfo Wikka/S5]] --- integrating the [[ S5]] browser-based slideshow tool.

Revision [19111]

Edited on 2008-01-28 00:14:03 by DomBonj [Modified links pointing to docs server]
~-[[Docs:ThirdPartyInfo List of 3rdparty software bundled with wikka]]
~-[[Docs:Slideshow2HandlerInfo Wikka/S5]] --- integrating the [[ S5]] browser-based slideshow tool.
~-[[ThirdPartyInfo List of 3rdparty software bundled with wikka]]
~-[[Slideshow2HandlerInfo Wikka/S5]] --- integrating the [[ S5]] browser-based slideshow tool.

Revision [16621]

Edited on 2007-05-21 06:14:46 by DomBonj [adding link for S5 slideshow]
~-[[Slideshow2HandlerInfo Wikka/S5]] --- integrating the [[ S5]] browser-based slideshow tool.

Revision [12341]

Edited on 2005-12-19 20:02:02 by DarTar [adding link]
~-[[SifrIntegration Wikka/sIFR]] --- rendering of headings through Scalable Inman Flash Replacement.

Revision [9917]

Edited on 2005-07-10 10:16:07 by DarTar [adding link to JSMath]
~-[[JSMathIntegration Wikka/JSMath]] --- integrating a JavaScript-based formatter for rendering math through LaTeX syntax.

Revision [8886]

Edited on 2005-06-06 17:10:22 by DarTar [cat link]
CategoryDevelopmentArchitecture CategoryDevelopment3rdParty

Revision [8883]

Edited on 2005-06-06 14:56:20 by DarTar [minor]
~-[[WikkaIntegration Integrating Wikka into other software]]
~-[[ThirdPartyInfo List of 3rdparty software bundled with wikka]]
[[WikkaIntegration Integrating Wikka into other software]]
[[ThirdPartyInfo List of 3rdparty software bundeld with wikka]]

Revision [8865]

Edited on 2005-06-06 12:03:38 by DarTar [Adding link]
~-[[SmartyPants Wikka/SmartyPants]] --- integrating a typographic engine into Wikka.

Revision [8857]

Edited on 2005-06-06 10:42:40 by NilsLindenberg [added link]
[[ThirdPartyInfo List of 3rdparty software bundeld with wikka]]
[[ list of 3rdparty software bundeld with wikka]]

Revision [8856]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2005-06-06 10:41:29 by NilsLindenberg [added link]
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