Revision history for UserFeedback

Revision [21045]

Last edited on 2010-02-25 03:23:31 by DarTar [this page (and Wikipedia's WikkaWiki article) are NOT for bug reports, please use the tracker]
~- //very nice software, but i have found a bug. i tried to file a bug report but it said i was forbidden to open a ticket. whenever i click on the "categories" page, i get this instead: Query failed: select * from wikka_pages where latest = 'Y' and match(tag, body) against('CategoryCategory' IN BOOLEAN MODE) order by time DESC (You have an error in your SQL syntax near 'BOOLEAN MODE) order by time DESC' at line 1) this happens whenever i try to do anything with categories so categories are broken. can anyone help or at least pass this on to the developers, ty. otherwise, everything else works great!!! many thanks!!!//
~& Thanks for the kind comments! What version are you running with? --BrianKoontz

Revision [21037]

Edited on 2010-02-22 11:17:43 by BrianKoontz [Response to NineOcMouse]
~& Thanks for the kind comments! What version are you running with? --BrianKoontz

Revision [21036]

Edited on 2010-02-21 02:24:03 by NineOcMouse [Response to NineOcMouse]
~- //very nice software, but i have found a bug. i tried to file a bug report but it said i was forbidden to open a ticket. whenever i click on the "categories" page, i get this instead: Query failed: select * from wikka_pages where latest = 'Y' and match(tag, body) against('CategoryCategory' IN BOOLEAN MODE) order by time DESC (You have an error in your SQL syntax near 'BOOLEAN MODE) order by time DESC' at line 1) this happens whenever i try to do anything with categories so categories are broken. can anyone help or at least pass this on to the developers, ty. otherwise, everything else works great!!! many thanks!!!//

Revision [19258]

Edited on 2008-01-28 00:14:44 by JavaWoman [Modified links pointing to docs server]
~-//I stumbled on to Wikka after spending some time comparing different Wiki engines. I am using tikiwiki at work however I really liked the straight forward interface of Wikka, speed, msql backend, wikiedit support, and now, skins feature. What really hooked me was Freemind integration, though. (I hope) Wikis and [[Docs:MindMapping MindMaps]] will become a powerful combination. I really think Wikka Devs should exploit this feature (...). I think Wikka's niche is the "personal wiki" and the integration with other "personal" systems like WordPress for blogging could be used to create a nifty personal publishing kit. //
~-//I stumbled on to Wikka after spending some time comparing different Wiki engines. I am using tikiwiki at work however I really liked the straight forward interface of Wikka, speed, msql backend, wikiedit support, and now, skins feature. What really hooked me was Freemind integration, though. (I hope) Wikis and [[MindMapping MindMaps]] will become a powerful combination. I really think Wikka Devs should exploit this feature (...). I think Wikka's niche is the "personal wiki" and the integration with other "personal" systems like WordPress for blogging could be used to create a nifty personal publishing kit. //

Revision [17147]

Edited on 2007-07-07 04:41:21 by JavaWoman [layout fix]
__Note:__ some of the opinions reported below are excerpts from external sites. Should you want to remove or modify them, such as for privacy reason, feel free to edit this page.<<::c::
__Note:__ some of the opinions reported below are excerpts from external sites. Should you want to remove or modify them, such as for privacy reason, feel free to edit this page.<<

Revision [16202]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2007-02-24 10:01:10 by BrianKoontz [layout fix]
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