Revision history for WikkaAdmin

Revision [22842]

Last edited on 2016-05-20 07:38:42 by NilsLindenberg [Replaces old-style internal links with new pipe-split links.]
This page can now be found on the [[Docs:WikkaAdmin | Wikka Documentation Server]].
An archive of [[ | old revisions of this page]] is still available for reference.<<
This page can now be found on the [[Docs:WikkaAdmin Wikka Documentation Server]].
An archive of [[
old revisions of this page]] is still available for reference.<<

Revision [18048]

Edited on 2008-01-27 02:34:53 by NilsLindenberg [Migrated to doc server]
<<===This page has moved===
This page can now be found on the [[Docs:WikkaAdmin Wikka Documentation Server]].
Thanks for updating your bookmarks!
An archive of [[
old revisions of this page]] is still available for reference.<<
[[WikkaDocumentation Wikka Documentation]]
=====Admins in a Wikka =====
>>**See also**
WikiAdmin - for a general description of the role of admins>>
====Admin powers====
An admin has super-rights, that means he can do the following things to **all** pages :
- //read//, //[[EditPageInfo edit]]//, //[[PageDeletionInfo delete]]// and //[[CloneHandlerInfo clone]]// (even if the acls are set otherwise!)
- //comment// - the only exception is the ""{{no-comment}}"" on a page which prevents the comments-form from being shown. Note that it could be removed by an admin, who has then the possibility to comment.
- delete all comments
- [[AclInfo set the acls]]
- transfer page ownership to a new user
- [[AttachmentInfo upload files]]
- options to manage referrers (//needs more explanation//)
Note that the admin which you have assigned during the installation has some extended privileges over the other admins:
- his e-mail adress is used from the feedback action. It is therefore necessary to enter a valid e-mail adress because otherwise all feedback send through the action is lost.
- (generally) he has FTP access to the site and access to the database and is therefore the only one who could see the e-mail adress of the registered users,
====Assigning new Admins====
Every wiki has at least one admin - the one you create during installation. If you want to add (or remove) admins, simply edit the ##[[ConfigurationOptions wikka.config.php]]##.
There you will find the following entry:
admin_users => 'YourName',
To add (a) name(s), simply seperate them by a comma:
admin_users => 'YourName, AnotherUser, CoolJoeAdmin',
~-Make sure you do not remove the "main" admin's name!
~-All admin-names have to be in one string, i.e. between the ' and '. Something like %%(php) admin_users => "YourName", "AnotherUser" %% won't work.
~-This does not give access to the MySQL database or FTP access to the additional admin(s).

Revision [13002]

Edited on 2006-01-30 06:05:17 by NilsLindenberg [adding note about admin names needing to be in one string]
admin_users => 'YourName',
admin_users => 'YourName, AnotherUser, CoolJoeAdmin',
~-Make sure you do not remove the "main" admin's name!
~-All admin-names have to be in one string, i.e. between the ' and '. Something like %%(php) admin_users => "YourName", "AnotherUser" %% won't work.
~-This does not give access to the MySQL database or FTP access to the additional admin(s).
admin_users => 'YourName'
admin_users => 'YourName, AnotherUser, CoolJoeAdmin'
(Make sure you do not remove the "main" admin's name!)
Note that this does not give access to the MySQL database or FTP access to the additional admin(s).

Revision [7960]

Edited on 2005-05-09 06:38:18 by JavaWoman [small precisions - corrections]
WikiAdmin - for a general description of the role of admins>>
====Admin powers====
- //comment// - the only exception is the ""{{no-comment}}"" on a page which prevents the comments-form from being shown. Note that it could be removed by an admin, who has then the possibility to comment.
- transfer page ownership to a new user
- options to manage referrers (//needs more explanation//)
Note that the admin which you have assigned during the installation has some extended privileges over the other admins:
- his e-mail adress is used from the feedback action. It is therefore necessary to enter a valid e-mail adress because otherwise all feedback send through the action is lost.
- (generally) he has FTP access to the site and access to the database and is therefore the only one who could see the e-mail adress of the registered users,
Every wiki has at least one admin - the one you create during installation. If you want to add (or remove) admins, simply edit the ##[[ConfigurationOptions wikka.config.php]]##.
(Make sure you do not remove the "main" admin's name!)
Note that this does not give access to the MySQL database or FTP access to the additional admin(s).
WikiAdmin - for the generell description of admins>>
====Admin - possibilitys====
- //comment// - the only exception is the ""{{no-comment}}"" on a page which prevents the comments-form from beeing shown. Note that it could be removed by an admin, who has then the possibility to comment.
- assign a page to a new user
- more options to manage referrers (//needs more explanation//)
Note that the admin which you have assigned during the installation has some extended possibilitys over the other admins:
- his e-mail adress is used from the feedback-action. It is therefore necessary to enter a valid e-amil adress because otherwise ll feedback send through the action is lost.
- he has mysql- and ftp-access to the page and is therefore the only one who could see the e-mail adress of the registered users,
Every wiki has at least one admin - the one you add at the installation. If you want to add (or remove) admins, simply edit the [[ConfigurationOptions wikka.config.php]].
Note that this doe not give access to the mysql-database or ftp-access to the new admin.

Revision [7730]

Edited on 2005-04-29 16:28:01 by NilsLindenberg [link-fix]
- assign a page to a new user
- [[AttachmentInfo upload files]]
- [[AclsInfo assign a page to a new user]]
- [[FileActionInfo upload files]]

Revision [7729]

Edited on 2005-04-29 16:25:07 by NilsLindenberg [created]
[[WikkaDocumentation Wikka Documentation]]
=====Admins in a Wikka =====

>>**See also**
WikiAdmin - for the generell description of admins>>

====Admin - possibilitys====

An admin has super-rights, that means he can do the following things to **all** pages :
- //read//, //[[EditPageInfo edit]]//, //[[PageDeletionInfo delete]]// and //[[CloneHandlerInfo clone]]// (even if the acls are set otherwise!)
- //comment// - the only exception is the ""{{no-comment}}"" on a page which prevents the comments-form from beeing shown. Note that it could be removed by an admin, who has then the possibility to comment.
- delete all comments
- [[AclInfo set the acls]]
- [[AclsInfo assign a page to a new user]]
- [[FileActionInfo upload files]]
- more options to manage referrers (//needs more explanation//)

Note that the admin which you have assigned during the installation has some extended possibilitys over the other admins:
- his e-mail adress is used from the feedback-action. It is therefore necessary to enter a valid e-amil adress because otherwise ll feedback send through the action is lost.
- he has mysql- and ftp-access to the page and is therefore the only one who could see the e-mail adress of the registered users,

====Assigning new Admins====

Every wiki has at least one admin - the one you add at the installation. If you want to add (or remove) admins, simply edit the [[ConfigurationOptions wikka.config.php]].

There you will find the following entry:
admin_users => 'YourName'

To add (a) name(s), simply seperate them by a comma:
admin_users => 'YourName, AnotherUser, CoolJoeAdmin'

Note that this doe not give access to the mysql-database or ftp-access to the new admin.

[[WikkaDocumentation Wikka Documentation]]
=====Title of the page =====

//This page is a **template** intended for documentation of **official Wikka features**. This page belongs to CategoryTemplate (which contains more handy templates). To create a Wikka **documentation** page, [[ clone this page]] (most documentation page names end in 'Info' so it's useful to stick to that convention), replace the title with a meaningful one and replace this paragraph with the actual page content.//


Revision [7724]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2005-04-29 15:50:52 by NilsLindenberg [created]
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